Management Plane API > Networking > Logical Bridging

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List All Bridge Clusters

Returns information about all configured bridge clusters.
ESXI host bridge cluster is deprecated and only Edge Bridge cluster is supported.
GET /api/v1/bridge-clusters (Deprecated)

Create a Bridge Cluster

Creates a bridge cluster. It is collection of transport nodes
that will do the bridging for overlay network to vlan networks.
Bridge cluster may have one or more transport nodes.
ESXI bridge cluster is deprecated and only Edge Bridge cluster is supported.
POST /api/v1/bridge-clusters (Deprecated)

Delete a Bridge Cluster

Removes the specified Bridge Cluster. ESXI bridge cluster is deprecated and only Edge Bridge cluster is supported.
DELETE /api/v1/bridge-clusters/<bridgecluster-id> (Deprecated)

Get Information about a bridge cluster

Returns information about a specified bridge cluster. ESXI bridge cluster is deprecated and only Edge Bridge cluster is supported.
GET /api/v1/bridge-clusters/<bridgecluster-id> (Deprecated)

Update a Bridge Cluster

Modifies a existing bridge cluster. One of more transport nodes
can be added or removed from the bridge cluster using this API.
ESXI bridge cluster is deprecated and only Edge Bridge cluster is supported.
PUT /api/v1/bridge-clusters/<bridgecluster-id> (Deprecated)

Returns status of a specified Bridge Cluster

Get the status for the Bridge Cluster of the given cluster id
GET /api/v1/bridge-clusters/<cluster-id>/status

List All Bridge Endpoint Profiles

Returns information about all configured bridge endoint profiles
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles

Create a Bridge Endpoint Profile

Creates a Bridge Endpoint Profile. Profile contains edge cluster id,
indexes of the member nodes, fialover mode and high availability mode
for a Bridge EndPoint
POST /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles

Delete a Bridge Endpoint Profile

Deletes the specified Bridge Endpoint Profile.
DELETE /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles/<bridgeendpointprofile-id>

Get Information about a bridge endpoint Profile

Returns information about a specified bridge endpoint profile.
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles/<bridgeendpointprofile-id>

Update a Bridge Endpoint Profile

Modifies a existing bridge endpoint profile.
PUT /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles/<bridgeendpointprofile-id>

List All Bridge Endpoints

Returns information about all configured bridge endoints
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoints

Create a Bridge Endpoint

Creates a Bridge Endpoint. It describes the physical attributes of the
bridge like vlan. A logical port can be attached to a vif providing
bridging functionality from the logical overlay network to the physical
vlan network
POST /api/v1/bridge-endpoints

Delete a Bridge Endpoint

Deletes the specified Bridge Endpoint.
DELETE /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/<bridgeendpoint-id>

Get Information about a bridge endpoint

Returns information about a specified bridge endpoint.
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/<bridgeendpoint-id>

Update a Bridge Endpoint

Modifies a existing bridge endpoint.
PUT /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/<bridgeendpoint-id>

Returns statistics of a specified Bridge Endpoint

Get the statistics for the Bridge Endpoint of the given Endpoint id (endpoint-id)
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/<endpoint-id>/statistics

Returns status of a specified Bridge Endpoint

Get the status for the Bridge Endpoint of the given Endpoint id
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/<endpoint-id>/status