Management Plane API > Networking > Logical Routing And Services > NAT

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List NAT rules of the logical router

Returns paginated list of all user defined NAT rules of the specific
logical router. If a rule_type is provided, only the given type of
rules will be returned. If no rule_type is specified, the rule_type
will be defaulted to NATv4, i.e. only the NATv4 rules will be listed.
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/nat/rules

Add multiple NAT rules in a specific logical router

Create multiple NAT rules in a specific logical router.
The API succeeds only when all rules are accepted and created successfully.
Any one validation voilation will fail the API, no rule will be created.
The ruleIds of each rules can be found from the responsed message.
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/nat/rules?action=create_multiple

Add a NAT rule in a specific logical router

Add a NAT rule in a specific logical router.
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/nat/rules

Delete a specific NAT rule from a logical router

Delete a specific NAT rule from a logical router
DELETE /api/v1/logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/nat/rules/<rule-id>

Get a specific NAT rule from a given logical router

Get a specific NAT rule from a given logical router
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/nat/rules/<rule-id>

Update a specific NAT rule from a given logical router

Update a specific NAT rule from a given logical router.
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/nat/rules/<rule-id>

Get the statistics of a specified logical router NAT Rule

Returns the summation of statistics from all nodes for the Specified
Logical Router NAT Rule. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source.
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/nat/rules/<rule-id>/statistics

Get the statistics of all rules of the logical router

Returns the summation of statistics for all rules from all nodes for the Specified
Logical Router. Also gives the per transport node statistics for provided logical router.
The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported.
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/nat/rules/statistics

Get statistics for all logical router NAT rules on a transport node

Returns the summation of statistics for all rules from all logical routers
which are present on given transport node. Only cached statistics are supported.
The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported.
GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/<node-id>/statistics/nat-rules