Management Plane API > Networking > Logical Switching > Logical Switches

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List all Logical Switches

Returns information about all configured logical switches.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches

Create a Logical Switch

Creates a new logical switch. The request must include the
transport_zone_id, display_name, and admin_state (UP or DOWN). The
replication_mode (MTEP or SOURCE) is required for overlay logical
switches, but not for VLAN-based logical switches. A vlan needs to be
provided for VLAN-based logical switches
POST /api/v1/logical-switches

Delete a Logical Switch

Removes a logical switch from the associated overlay or VLAN transport
zone. By default, a logical switch cannot be deleted if there are logical
ports on the switch, or it is added to a NSGroup.
Cascade option can be used to delete all ports and the logical switch.
Detach option can be used to delete the logical switch forcibly.
DELETE /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>

Get Logical Switch associated with the provided id (lswitch-id)

Returns information about the specified logical switch Id.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>

Update a Logical Switch

Modifies attributes of an existing logical switch. Modifiable
attributes include admin_state, replication_mode, switching_profile_ids
and VLAN spec. You cannot modify the original transport_zone_id.
PUT /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>

Get MAC Table for Logical Switch of the Given ID (lswitch-id)

Returns MAC table of a specified logical switch from the given transport
node if a transport node id is given in the query parameter from the
Central Controller Plane.
The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>/mac-table

Get MAC Table for Logical Switch of the Given ID (lswitch-id)

Returns MAC table of a specified logical switch in CSV format from the given transport
node if a transport node id is given in the query parameter from the
Central Controller Plane.
The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>/mac-table?format=csv

Get the realized state associated with provided logical switch id

Returns current state of the logical switch configuration and details of only
out-of-sync transport nodes.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>/state

Get Statistics for Logical Switch of the Given ID (lswitch-id)

Returns statistics of a specified logical switch.
The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>/statistics

Get Logical Switch runtime status info for a given logical switch

Returns the number of ports assigned to a logical switch.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>/summary

Get virtual tunnel endpoint table for logical switch of the given ID (lswitch-id)

Returns the virtual tunnel endpoint table of a specified logical switch
from the given transport node if a transport node id is given in the
query parameter, from the Central Controller Plane.
The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>/vtep-table

Get virtual tunnel endpoint table for logical switch of the given ID (lswitch-id)

Returns virtual tunnel endpoint table of a specified logical switch in
CSV format from the given transport node if a transport node id is
given in the query parameter from the Central Controller Plane.
The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/<lswitch-id>/vtep-table?format=csv

List logical switches by realized state

Returns a list of logical switches states that have realized state as provided
as query parameter.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/state

Get Status Summary of All Logical Switches in the System

Returns Operational status of all logical switches.
The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported.
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/status