_create_time |
Timestamp of resource creation |
EpochMsTimestamp |
Readonly Sortable |
_create_user |
ID of the user who created this resource |
string |
Readonly |
_last_modified_time |
Timestamp of last modification |
EpochMsTimestamp |
Readonly Sortable |
_last_modified_user |
ID of the user who last modified this resource |
string |
Readonly |
_links |
References related to this resource
The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST. |
array of ResourceLink |
Readonly |
_protection |
Indicates protection status of this resource
Protection status is one of the following:
PROTECTED - the client who retrieved the entity is not allowed
to modify it.
NOT_PROTECTED - the client who retrieved the entity is allowed
to modify it
REQUIRE_OVERRIDE - the client who retrieved the entity is a super
user and can modify it, but only when providing
the request header X-Allow-Overwrite=true.
UNKNOWN - the _protection field could not be determined for this
string |
Readonly |
_revision |
Generation of this resource config
The _revision property describes the current revision of the resource. To prevent clients from overwriting each other's changes, PUT operations must include the current _revision of the resource, which clients should obtain by issuing a GET operation. If the _revision provided in a PUT request is missing or stale, the operation will be rejected. |
int |
_schema |
Schema for this resource |
string |
Readonly |
_self |
Link to this resource |
SelfResourceLink |
Readonly |
_system_owned |
Indicates system owned resource |
boolean |
Readonly |
advanced_config |
Logical Router Configuration
Contains config properties for tier0 routers |
LogicalRouterConfig |
allocation_profile |
Edge Cluster Member Allocation Profile
Configurations options to auto allocate edge cluster members for
logical router. Auto allocation is supported only for TIER1 and pick
least utilized member post current assignment for next allocation.
EdgeClusterMemberAllocationProfile |
description |
Description of this resource |
string |
Maximum length: 1024 Sortable |
display_name |
Identifier to use when displaying entity in logs or GUI
Defaults to ID if not set |
string |
Maximum length: 255 Sortable |
edge_cluster_id |
Identifier of the edge cluster for this Logical Router
Used for tier0 routers |
string |
edge_cluster_member_indices |
Member indices of the edge node on the cluster
For stateful services, the logical router should be associated with
edge cluster. For TIER 1 logical router, for manual placement of
service router within the cluster, edge cluster member indices needs
to be provided else same will be auto-allocated. You can provide
maximum two indices for HA ACTIVE_STANDBY. For TIER0 logical router
this property is no use and placement is derived from logical router
uplink or loopback port.
array of integer |
failover_mode |
Failover mode for active-standby logical router instances.
Determines the behavior when a logical router instance restarts after
a failure. If set to PREEMPTIVE, the preferred node will take over,
even if it causes another failure. If set to NON_PREEMPTIVE, then the
instance that restarted will remain secondary.
This property must not be populated unless the high_availability_mode property
If high_availability_mode property is set to ACTIVE_STANDBY and this property
is not specified then default will be NON_PREEMPTIVE.
string |
firewall_sections |
LR Firewall Section References
List of Firewall sections related to Logical Router. |
array of ResourceReference |
Readonly |
high_availability_mode |
High availability mode |
string |
id |
Unique identifier of this resource |
string |
Sortable |
ipv6_profiles |
IPv6 Profiles
IPv6Profiles captures IPv6 NDRA Profile and DAD Profile
id associated with the logical router.
IPv6Profiles |
preferred_edge_cluster_member_index |
Preferred edge cluster member index
Preferred edge cluster member index which is required
for PREEMPTIVE failover mode. Used for Tier0 routers only.
integer |
Minimum: 0 |
resource_type |
Must be set to the value LogicalRouter |
string |
router_type |
Type of Logical Router
TIER0 for external connectivity.
TIER1 for two tier topology with TIER0 on top.
VRF for isolation of routing table on TIER0.
string |
Required Enum: TIER0, TIER1, VRF |
tags |
Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user |
array of Tag |
Maximum items: 30 |