Policy > Networking > Connectivity > Tier-1 Gateways > Tier-1 Locale Services

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List Tier-1 locale-services

Paginated list of all Tier-1 locale-services
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services

Delete Tier-1 locale-services

Delete Tier-1 locale-services
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>

Read Tier-1 locale-services

Read Tier-1 locale-services
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>

Create or update a Tier-1 locale-services

If a Tier-1 locale services with the locale-services-id is not already
present, create a new locale services. If it already exists, update
Tier-1 locale services with specified attributes.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>

Create or update a Tier-1 locale-services

If a Tier-1 locale services with the locale-services-id is not already
present, create a new locale-services. If it already exists, replace the
Tier-1 locale services instance with the new object.

Modifying edge cluster re-allocates NSX service routers of TIER1 to a different edge
cluster. You can also place edge nodes manually and provide maximum two indices
for HA mode ACTIVE_STANDBY. To re-allocating edge cluster is a disruptive operation
and all existing statistics of Tier1 gateway will be removed.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>