Policy > Networking > IP Management > IP Address Pools

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List IpAddressBlocks

Paginated list of IpAddressBlocks.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-blocks

Delete an IpAddressBlock

Delete the IpAddressBlock with the given id.
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-blocks/<ip-block-id>

Read a IpAddressBlock

Read IpAddressBlock with given Id.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-blocks/<ip-block-id>

Create a new IPBlock

Creates a new IpAddressBlock with specified ID if not already present.
If IpAddressBlock of given ID is already present, then the instance is
updated with specified attributes.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-blocks/<ip-block-id>

Create or Replace IpAddressBlock

Create a new IpAddressBlock with given ID if it does not exist.
If IpAddressBlock with given ID already exists, it will update existing instance.
This is a full replace.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-blocks/<ip-block-id>

List IpAddressPools

Paginated list of IpAddressPools.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools

Delete an IpAddressPool

Delete the IpAddressPool with the given id.
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>

Read an IpAddressPool

Read IpAddressPool with given Id.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>

Create a new IP address pool

Creates a new IpAddressPool with specified ID if not already present.
If IpAddressPool of given ID is already present, then the instance is
updated. This is a full replace.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>

Create or Replace IpAddressPool

Create a new IpAddressPool with given ID if it does not exist.
If IpAddressPool with given ID already exists, it will update existing instance.
This is a full replace.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>

List IpAddressPool Allocations

Returns information about which addresses have been allocated from a
specified IP address pool in policy.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-allocations

Records intent to release an IP from an IpPool.

Releases the IP that was allocated for this allocation request
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-allocations/<ip-allocation-id>

Read policy IpPool allocation

Read a previously created allocation
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-allocations/<ip-allocation-id>

Records intent to allocate an IP Address from an IP Pool

If allocation of the same ID is found, this is a no-op. If no allocation
of the specified ID is found, then a new allocation is created.
An allocation cannot be updated once created.
When an allocation is requested from an IpAddressPool, the IP could be
allocated from any subnet in the pool that has the available capacity.
Request to allocate an IP will fail if no subnet was previously created.
If specific IP was requested, the status of allocation is reflected in the
realized state.
If any IP is requested, the IP finally allocated is obtained by polling on
the realized state until the allocated IP is returned in the extended
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-allocations/<ip-allocation-id>

Records intent to allocate an IP Address from an IP Pool

If allocation of the same ID is found, this is a no-op. If no allocation
of the specified ID is found, then a new allocation is created.
An allocation cannot be updated once created.
When an IP allocation is requested from an IpAddressPool, the IP could be
allocated from any subnet in the pool that has the available capacity.
Request to allocate an IP will fail if no subnet was previously created.
If specific IP was requested, the status of allocation is reflected in the
realized state.
If any IP is requested, the IP finally allocated is obtained by polling on
the realized state until the allocated IP is returned in the extended
An allocation cannot be updated once created.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-allocations/<ip-allocation-id>

List IpAddressPoolSubnets

Paginated list of IpAddressPoolSubnets.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-subnets

Delete an IpAddressPoolSubnet

Delete the IpAddressPoolSubnet with the given id.
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-subnets/<ip-subnet-id>

Read an IpAddressPoolSubnet

Read IpAddressPoolSubnet with given Id.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-subnets/<ip-subnet-id>

Create a new IP Subnet

Creates a new IpAddressPoolSubnet with the specified ID if it does not
already exist. If a IpAddressPoolSubnet of the given ID already exists,
IpAddressPoolSubnet will be updated. This is a full replace.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-subnets/<ip-subnet-id>

Create a new IP Subnet

Creates a new IpAddressPoolSubnet with the specified ID if it does not
already exist. If a IpAddressPoolSubnet of the given ID already exists,
IpAddressPoolSubnet will be updated. This is a full replace.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/ip-pools/<ip-pool-id>/ip-subnets/<ip-subnet-id>