RedistributionProtocols (type)

  "additionalProperties": false, 
  "description": "Types of route to redistribute over routing protocols. STATIC type is deprecated, use T0_STATIC instead. T0_STATIC type should be used to redistribute user added static routes. NSX_CONNECTED type is deprecated, use T0_CONNECTED instead. For backward compatibility when NSX_CONNECTED is selected, we will redistribute downlink port subnets for TIER0 LR. T0_CONNECTED type should be used to redistribute all port subnets including uplink, downlink, CSP and loopback for TIER0 LR. NSX_STATIC type is deprecated, use T1_STATIC instead. For backward compatibility when NSX_STATIC is selected, we will redistribute static, CSP and downlink port subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. T1_STATIC type should be used to redistribute static subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. T0_UPLINK type should be used to redistribute uplink port subnets on TIER0 LR. T0_DOWNLINK type should be used to redistribute downlink port subnets on TIER0 LR. T0_ROUTER_LINK type should be used to redistribute router link port subnets on TIER0 LR T0_CSP type should be used to redistribute centralised service port subnets on TIER0 LR. T0_LOOPBACK type should be used to redistribute loopback port subnets on TIER0 LR. T0_DNS_FORWARDER_IP type should be used to redistribute DNS forwarder subnets on TIER0 LR. T0_IPSEC_LOCAL_IP type should be used to redistribute IPSec subnets on TIER0 LR. TIER0_NAT type is deprecated, use T0_NAT instead. T0_NAT type should be used to redistribute NAT IPs owned by TIER0 logical router. TIER1_NAT type is deprecated, use T1_NAT instead. T1_NAT type should be used to redistribute NAT IP subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. TIER1_LB_VIP type is deprecated,use T1_LB_VIP instead. T1_LB_VIP type should be used to redistribute LB VIP IP subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. TIER1_LB_SNAT type is deprecated, use T1_NAT instead. T1_LB_SNAT type should be used to redistribute LB SNAT IP subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. T1_DNS_FORWARDER_IP type should be used to redistribute DNS forwarder subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. T1_CONNECTED type should be used to redistribute downlink and CSP port subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. T1_DOWNLINK type should be used to redistribute downlink port subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. T1_CSP type should be used to redistribute centralised service port subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. BGP type should be used to redistribute routes learned via BGP. T1_IPSEC_LOCAL_IP type should be used to redistribute IPSec VPN local endpoint subnets advertised by TIER1 LR. T0_EVPN_TEP_IP type should be used to redistribute EVPN local endpoint subnets on Tier0 LR.", 
  "enum": [
  "id": "RedistributionProtocols", 
  "module_id": "Routing", 
  "title": "Redistribution Protocols", 
  "type": "string"