RedistributionProtocols (schema)

Redistribution Protocols

Types of route to redistribute over routing protocols.
STATIC type is deprecated, use T0_STATIC instead.
T0_STATIC type should be used to redistribute user added static
NSX_CONNECTED type is deprecated, use T0_CONNECTED instead.
For backward compatibility when NSX_CONNECTED is selected,
we will redistribute downlink port subnets for TIER0 LR.
T0_CONNECTED type should be used to redistribute all port
subnets including uplink, downlink, CSP and loopback for TIER0 LR.
NSX_STATIC type is deprecated, use T1_STATIC instead.
For backward compatibility when NSX_STATIC is selected,
we will redistribute static, CSP and downlink port subnets
advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_STATIC type should be used to redistribute static subnets
advertised by TIER1 LR.
T0_UPLINK type should be used to redistribute uplink port subnets
on TIER0 LR.
T0_DOWNLINK type should be used to redistribute downlink port subnets
on TIER0 LR.
T0_ROUTER_LINK type should be used to redistribute router link port
subnets on TIER0 LR
T0_CSP type should be used to redistribute centralised service port
subnets on TIER0 LR.
T0_LOOPBACK type should be used to redistribute loopback port subnets
on TIER0 LR.
T0_DNS_FORWARDER_IP type should be used to redistribute DNS forwarder
subnets on TIER0 LR.
T0_IPSEC_LOCAL_IP type should be used to redistribute IPSec subnets
on TIER0 LR.
TIER0_NAT type is deprecated, use T0_NAT instead.
T0_NAT type should be used to redistribute NAT IPs owned by
TIER0 logical router.
TIER1_NAT type is deprecated, use T1_NAT instead.
T1_NAT type should be used to redistribute NAT IP subnets advertised
by TIER1 LR.
TIER1_LB_VIP type is deprecated,use T1_LB_VIP instead.
T1_LB_VIP type should be used to redistribute LB VIP IP subnets
advertised by TIER1 LR.
TIER1_LB_SNAT type is deprecated, use T1_NAT instead.
T1_LB_SNAT type should be used to redistribute LB SNAT IP subnets
advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_DNS_FORWARDER_IP type should be used to redistribute DNS forwarder
subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_CONNECTED type should be used to redistribute downlink and CSP port
subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_DOWNLINK type should be used to redistribute downlink port
subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_CSP type should be used to redistribute centralised service port
subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
BGP type should be used to redistribute routes learned via BGP.
T1_IPSEC_LOCAL_IP type should be used to redistribute IPSec VPN local
endpoint subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
T0_EVPN_TEP_IP type should be used to redistribute EVPN local endpoint
subnets on Tier0 LR.
Name Description Type Notes
RedistributionProtocols Redistribution Protocols

Types of route to redistribute over routing protocols.
STATIC type is deprecated, use T0_STATIC instead.
T0_STATIC type should be used to redistribute user added static
NSX_CONNECTED type is deprecated, use T0_CONNECTED instead.
For backward compatibility when NSX_CONNECTED is selected,
we will redistribute downlink port subnets for TIER0 LR.
T0_CONNECTED type should be used to redistribute all port
subnets including uplink, downlink, CSP and loopback for TIER0 LR.
NSX_STATIC type is deprecated, use T1_STATIC instead.
For backward compatibility when NSX_STATIC is selected,
we will redistribute static, CSP and downlink port subnets
advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_STATIC type should be used to redistribute static subnets
advertised by TIER1 LR.
T0_UPLINK type should be used to redistribute uplink port subnets
on TIER0 LR.
T0_DOWNLINK type should be used to redistribute downlink port subnets
on TIER0 LR.
T0_ROUTER_LINK type should be used to redistribute router link port
subnets on TIER0 LR
T0_CSP type should be used to redistribute centralised service port
subnets on TIER0 LR.
T0_LOOPBACK type should be used to redistribute loopback port subnets
on TIER0 LR.
T0_DNS_FORWARDER_IP type should be used to redistribute DNS forwarder
subnets on TIER0 LR.
T0_IPSEC_LOCAL_IP type should be used to redistribute IPSec subnets
on TIER0 LR.
TIER0_NAT type is deprecated, use T0_NAT instead.
T0_NAT type should be used to redistribute NAT IPs owned by
TIER0 logical router.
TIER1_NAT type is deprecated, use T1_NAT instead.
T1_NAT type should be used to redistribute NAT IP subnets advertised
by TIER1 LR.
TIER1_LB_VIP type is deprecated,use T1_LB_VIP instead.
T1_LB_VIP type should be used to redistribute LB VIP IP subnets
advertised by TIER1 LR.
TIER1_LB_SNAT type is deprecated, use T1_NAT instead.
T1_LB_SNAT type should be used to redistribute LB SNAT IP subnets
advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_DNS_FORWARDER_IP type should be used to redistribute DNS forwarder
subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_CONNECTED type should be used to redistribute downlink and CSP port
subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_DOWNLINK type should be used to redistribute downlink port
subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
T1_CSP type should be used to redistribute centralised service port
subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
BGP type should be used to redistribute routes learned via BGP.
T1_IPSEC_LOCAL_IP type should be used to redistribute IPSec VPN local
endpoint subnets advertised by TIER1 LR.
T0_EVPN_TEP_IP type should be used to redistribute EVPN local endpoint
subnets on Tier0 LR.