
Operations (154)
Operation Description
PATCH /com/vmware/content/configuration Updates the configuration. The update is incremental. Any field in the com.vmware.content.configuration_model structure that is unset will not be modified. Note that this update operation doesn't guarantee an atomic change of all the properties. In the case of a system crash or failure, some of the properties could be left unchanged while others may be updated.
POST /com/vmware/content/configuration?~action=update Updates the configuration. The update is incremental. Any field in the com.vmware.content.configuration_model structure that is unset will not be modified. Note that this update operation doesn't guarantee an atomic change of all the properties. In the case of a system crash or failure, some of the properties could be left unchanged while others may be updated.
POST /com/vmware/content/configuration?~action=get Retrieves the current configuration values.
GET /com/vmware/content/library/id:{library_id} Returns a given com.vmware.content.library_model.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/id:{library_id}?~action=get Returns a given com.vmware.content.library_model.
POST /com/vmware/content/library?~action=get Returns a given com.vmware.content.library_model.
GET /com/vmware/content/library Returns the identifiers of all libraries of any type in the Content Library.
POST /com/vmware/content/library?~action=list Returns the identifiers of all libraries of any type in the Content Library.
POST /com/vmware/content/library?~action=find Returns a list of all the visible (as determined by authorization policy) libraries matching the requested com.vmware.content.library.find_spec.
PATCH /com/vmware/content/library/id:{library_id} Updates the properties of a library.

This is an incremental update to the library. Any field in the com.vmware.content.library_model structure that is unset will not be modified.

This operation will only update the common properties for all library types. This will not, for example, update the com.vmware.content.library_model.publish_info of a local library, nor the com.vmware.content.library_model.subscription_info of a subscribed library. Specific properties are updated in update and update.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/id:{library_id}?~action=update Updates the properties of a library.

This is an incremental update to the library. Any field in the com.vmware.content.library_model structure that is unset will not be modified.

This operation will only update the common properties for all library types. This will not, for example, update the com.vmware.content.library_model.publish_info of a local library, nor the com.vmware.content.library_model.subscription_info of a subscribed library. Specific properties are updated in update and update.

POST /com/vmware/content/library?~action=update Updates the properties of a library.

This is an incremental update to the library. Any field in the com.vmware.content.library_model structure that is unset will not be modified.

This operation will only update the common properties for all library types. This will not, for example, update the com.vmware.content.library_model.publish_info of a local library, nor the com.vmware.content.library_model.subscription_info of a subscribed library. Specific properties are updated in update and update.

POST /com/vmware/content/local-library Creates a new local library.
POST /com/vmware/content/local-library?~action=create Creates a new local library.
DELETE /com/vmware/content/local-library/id:{library_id} Deletes the specified local library.

Deleting a local library will remove the entry immediately and begin an asynchronous task to remove all cached content for the library. If the asynchronous task fails, file content may remain on the storage backing. This content will require manual removal.

POST /com/vmware/content/local-library/id:{library_id}?~action=delete Deletes the specified local library.

Deleting a local library will remove the entry immediately and begin an asynchronous task to remove all cached content for the library. If the asynchronous task fails, file content may remain on the storage backing. This content will require manual removal.

POST /com/vmware/content/local-library?~action=delete Deletes the specified local library.

Deleting a local library will remove the entry immediately and begin an asynchronous task to remove all cached content for the library. If the asynchronous task fails, file content may remain on the storage backing. This content will require manual removal.

GET /com/vmware/content/local-library/id:{library_id} Returns a given local library.
POST /com/vmware/content/local-library/id:{library_id}?~action=get Returns a given local library.
POST /com/vmware/content/local-library?~action=get Returns a given local library.
GET /com/vmware/content/local-library Returns the identifiers of all local libraries in the Content Library.
POST /com/vmware/content/local-library?~action=list Returns the identifiers of all local libraries in the Content Library.
PATCH /com/vmware/content/local-library/id:{library_id} Updates the properties of a local library.

This is an incremental update to the local library. Fields that are unset in the update specification will be left unchanged.

POST /com/vmware/content/local-library/id:{library_id}?~action=update Updates the properties of a local library.

This is an incremental update to the local library. Fields that are unset in the update specification will be left unchanged.

POST /com/vmware/content/local-library?~action=update Updates the properties of a local library.

This is an incremental update to the local library. Fields that are unset in the update specification will be left unchanged.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library Creates a new subscribed library.

Once created, the subscribed library will be empty. If the com.vmware.content.library_model.subscription_info property is set, the Content Library Service will attempt to synchronize to the remote source. This is an asynchronous operation so the content of the published library may not immediately appear.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library?~action=create Creates a new subscribed library.

Once created, the subscribed library will be empty. If the com.vmware.content.library_model.subscription_info property is set, the Content Library Service will attempt to synchronize to the remote source. This is an asynchronous operation so the content of the published library may not immediately appear.

DELETE /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library/id:{library_id} Deletes the specified subscribed library.

Deleting a subscribed library will remove the entry immediately and begin an asynchronous task to remove all cached content for the library. If the asynchronous task fails, file content may remain on the storage backing. This content will require manual removal.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library/id:{library_id}?~action=delete Deletes the specified subscribed library.

Deleting a subscribed library will remove the entry immediately and begin an asynchronous task to remove all cached content for the library. If the asynchronous task fails, file content may remain on the storage backing. This content will require manual removal.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library?~action=delete Deletes the specified subscribed library.

Deleting a subscribed library will remove the entry immediately and begin an asynchronous task to remove all cached content for the library. If the asynchronous task fails, file content may remain on the storage backing. This content will require manual removal.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library/id:{library_id}?~action=evict Evicts the cached content of an on-demand subscribed library.

This operation allows the cached content of a subscribed library to be removed to free up storage capacity. This operation will only work when a subscribed library is synchronized on-demand.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library?~action=evict Evicts the cached content of an on-demand subscribed library.

This operation allows the cached content of a subscribed library to be removed to free up storage capacity. This operation will only work when a subscribed library is synchronized on-demand.

GET /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library/id:{library_id} Returns a given subscribed library.
POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library/id:{library_id}?~action=get Returns a given subscribed library.
POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library?~action=get Returns a given subscribed library.
GET /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library Returns the identifiers of all subscribed libraries in the Content Library.
POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library?~action=list Returns the identifiers of all subscribed libraries in the Content Library.
POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library/id:{library_id}?~action=sync Forces the synchronization of the subscribed library.

Synchronizing a subscribed library forcefully with this operation will perform the same synchronization behavior as would run periodically for the library. The com.vmware.content.library.subscription_info.on_demand setting is respected. Calling this operation on a library that is already in the process of synchronizing will have no effect.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library?~action=sync Forces the synchronization of the subscribed library.

Synchronizing a subscribed library forcefully with this operation will perform the same synchronization behavior as would run periodically for the library. The com.vmware.content.library.subscription_info.on_demand setting is respected. Calling this operation on a library that is already in the process of synchronizing will have no effect.

PATCH /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library/id:{library_id} Updates the properties of a subscribed library.

This is an incremental update to the subscribed library. Fields that are unset in the update specification will be left unchanged.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library/id:{library_id}?~action=update Updates the properties of a subscribed library.

This is an incremental update to the subscribed library. Fields that are unset in the update specification will be left unchanged.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library?~action=update Updates the properties of a subscribed library.

This is an incremental update to the subscribed library. Fields that are unset in the update specification will be left unchanged.

POST /com/vmware/content/subscribed-library?~action=probe Probes remote library subscription information, including URL, SSL certificate and password. The resulting com.vmware.content.subscribed_library.probe_result structure describes whether or not the subscription configuration is successful.
GET /com/vmware/content/type Returns a array of com.vmware.content.type.info instances which describe the type support plugins in this Content Library.
POST /com/vmware/content/type?~action=list Returns a array of com.vmware.content.type.info instances which describe the type support plugins in this Content Library.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/id:{source_library_item_id}?~action=copy Copies a library item.

Copying a library item allows a duplicate to be made within the same or different library. The copy occurs by first creating a new library item, whose identifier is returned. The content of the library item is then copied asynchronously. This copy can be tracked as a task.

If the copy fails, Content Library Service will roll back the copy by deleting any content that was already copied, and removing the new library item. A failure during rollback may require manual cleanup by an administrator.

A library item cannot be copied into a subscribed library.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item?~action=copy Copies a library item.

Copying a library item allows a duplicate to be made within the same or different library. The copy occurs by first creating a new library item, whose identifier is returned. The content of the library item is then copied asynchronously. This copy can be tracked as a task.

If the copy fails, Content Library Service will roll back the copy by deleting any content that was already copied, and removing the new library item. A failure during rollback may require manual cleanup by an administrator.

A library item cannot be copied into a subscribed library.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item Creates a new library item.

A new library item is created without any content. After creation, content can be added through the com.vmware.content.library.item.update_session and com.vmware.content.library.item.updatesession.file services.

A library item cannot be created in a subscribed library.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item?~action=create Creates a new library item.

A new library item is created without any content. After creation, content can be added through the com.vmware.content.library.item.update_session and com.vmware.content.library.item.updatesession.file services.

A library item cannot be created in a subscribed library.

DELETE /com/vmware/content/library/item/id:{library_item_id} Deletes a library item.

This operation will immediately remove the item from the library that owns it. The content of the item will be asynchronously removed from the storage backings. The content deletion can be tracked with a task. In the event that the task fails, an administrator may need to manually remove the files from the storage backing.

This operation cannot be used to delete a library item that is a member of a subscribed library. Removing an item from a subscribed library requires deleting the item from the original published local library and syncing the subscribed library.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/id:{library_item_id}?~action=delete Deletes a library item.

This operation will immediately remove the item from the library that owns it. The content of the item will be asynchronously removed from the storage backings. The content deletion can be tracked with a task. In the event that the task fails, an administrator may need to manually remove the files from the storage backing.

This operation cannot be used to delete a library item that is a member of a subscribed library. Removing an item from a subscribed library requires deleting the item from the original published local library and syncing the subscribed library.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item?~action=delete Deletes a library item.

This operation will immediately remove the item from the library that owns it. The content of the item will be asynchronously removed from the storage backings. The content deletion can be tracked with a task. In the event that the task fails, an administrator may need to manually remove the files from the storage backing.

This operation cannot be used to delete a library item that is a member of a subscribed library. Removing an item from a subscribed library requires deleting the item from the original published local library and syncing the subscribed library.

GET /com/vmware/content/library/item/id:{library_item_id} Returns the com.vmware.content.library.item_model with the given identifier.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/id:{library_item_id}?~action=get Returns the com.vmware.content.library.item_model with the given identifier.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item?~action=get Returns the com.vmware.content.library.item_model with the given identifier.
GET /com/vmware/content/library/item Returns the identifiers of all items in the given library.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/id:{library_id}?~action=list Returns the identifiers of all items in the given library.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item?~action=list Returns the identifiers of all items in the given library.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item?~action=find Returns identifiers of all the visible (as determined by authorization policy) library items matching the requested com.vmware.content.library.item.find_spec.
PATCH /com/vmware/content/library/item/id:{library_item_id} Updates the specified properties of a library item.

This is an incremental update to the library item. Fields that are unset in the update specification are left unchanged.

This operation cannot update a library item that is a member of a subscribed library. Those items must be updated in the source published library and synchronized to the subscribed library.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/id:{library_item_id}?~action=update Updates the specified properties of a library item.

This is an incremental update to the library item. Fields that are unset in the update specification are left unchanged.

This operation cannot update a library item that is a member of a subscribed library. Those items must be updated in the source published library and synchronized to the subscribed library.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item?~action=update Updates the specified properties of a library item.

This is an incremental update to the library item. Fields that are unset in the update specification are left unchanged.

This operation cannot update a library item that is a member of a subscribed library. Those items must be updated in the source published library and synchronized to the subscribed library.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/subscribed-item/id:{library_item_id}?~action=evict Evicts the cached content of a library item in a subscribed library.

This operation allows the cached content of a library item to be removed to free up storage capacity. This operation will only work when a library item is synchronized on-demand. When a library is not synchronized on-demand, it always attempts to keep its cache up-to-date with the published source. Evicting the library item will set com.vmware.content.library.item_model.cached to false.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/subscribed-item?~action=evict Evicts the cached content of a library item in a subscribed library.

This operation allows the cached content of a library item to be removed to free up storage capacity. This operation will only work when a library item is synchronized on-demand. When a library is not synchronized on-demand, it always attempts to keep its cache up-to-date with the published source. Evicting the library item will set com.vmware.content.library.item_model.cached to false.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/subscribed-item/id:{library_item_id}?~action=sync Forces the synchronization of an individual library item in a subscribed library.

Synchronizing an individual item will update that item's metadata from the remote source. If the source library item on the remote library has been deleted, this operation will delete the library item from the subscribed library as well.

The default behavior of the synchronization is determined by the com.vmware.content.library.subscription_info of the library which owns the library item.

When the file content has been synchronized, the com.vmware.content.library.item_model.cached field will be true.

This operation will return immediately and create an asynchronous task to perform the synchronization.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/subscribed-item?~action=sync Forces the synchronization of an individual library item in a subscribed library.

Synchronizing an individual item will update that item's metadata from the remote source. If the source library item on the remote library has been deleted, this operation will delete the library item from the subscribed library as well.

The default behavior of the synchronization is determined by the com.vmware.content.library.subscription_info of the library which owns the library item.

When the file content has been synchronized, the com.vmware.content.library.item_model.cached field will be true.

This operation will return immediately and create an asynchronous task to perform the synchronization.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session Creates a new download session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session?~action=create Creates a new download session.
GET /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{download_session_id} Gets the download session with the specified identifier, including the most up-to-date status information for the session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{download_session_id}?~action=get Gets the download session with the specified identifier, including the most up-to-date status information for the session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session?~action=get Gets the download session with the specified identifier, including the most up-to-date status information for the session.
GET /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session Lists the identifiers of the download sessions created by the calling user. Optionally may filter by library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{library_item_id}?~action=list Lists the identifiers of the download sessions created by the calling user. Optionally may filter by library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session?~action=list Lists the identifiers of the download sessions created by the calling user. Optionally may filter by library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{download_session_id}?~action=keep-alive Keeps a download session alive. This operation is allowed only if the session is in the ACTIVE state.

If there is no activity for a download session for a certain period of time, the download session will expire. The download session expiration timeout is configurable in the Content Library Service system configuration. The default is five minutes. Invoking this operation enables a client to specifically extend the lifetime of an active download session.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session?~action=keep-alive Keeps a download session alive. This operation is allowed only if the session is in the ACTIVE state.

If there is no activity for a download session for a certain period of time, the download session will expire. The download session expiration timeout is configurable in the Content Library Service system configuration. The default is five minutes. Invoking this operation enables a client to specifically extend the lifetime of an active download session.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{download_session_id}?~action=cancel Cancels the download session. This operation will abort any ongoing transfers and invalidate transfer urls that the client may be downloading from.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session?~action=cancel Cancels the download session. This operation will abort any ongoing transfers and invalidate transfer urls that the client may be downloading from.
DELETE /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{download_session_id} Deletes a download session. This removes the session and all information associated with it.

Removing a download session leaves any current transfers for that session in an indeterminate state (there is no guarantee that the transfers will be able to complete). However there will no longer be a means of inspecting the status of those downloads except by seeing the effect on the library item.

Download sessions for which there is no download activity or which are complete will automatically be expired and then deleted after a period of time.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{download_session_id}?~action=delete Deletes a download session. This removes the session and all information associated with it.

Removing a download session leaves any current transfers for that session in an indeterminate state (there is no guarantee that the transfers will be able to complete). However there will no longer be a means of inspecting the status of those downloads except by seeing the effect on the library item.

Download sessions for which there is no download activity or which are complete will automatically be expired and then deleted after a period of time.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session?~action=delete Deletes a download session. This removes the session and all information associated with it.

Removing a download session leaves any current transfers for that session in an indeterminate state (there is no guarantee that the transfers will be able to complete). However there will no longer be a means of inspecting the status of those downloads except by seeing the effect on the library item.

Download sessions for which there is no download activity or which are complete will automatically be expired and then deleted after a period of time.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{download_session_id}?~action=fail Terminates the download session with a client specified error message.

This is useful in transmitting client side failures (for example, not being able to download a file) to the server side.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session?~action=fail Terminates the download session with a client specified error message.

This is useful in transmitting client side failures (for example, not being able to download a file) to the server side.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/file/id:{library_item_id}?~action=get Retrieves the information for a single file in a library item by its name.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/file?~action=get Retrieves the information for a single file in a library item by its name.
GET /com/vmware/content/library/item/file Lists all of the files that are stored within a given library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/file/id:{library_item_id}?~action=list Lists all of the files that are stored within a given library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/file?~action=list Lists all of the files that are stored within a given library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/storage/id:{library_item_id}?~action=get Retrieves the storage information for a specific file in a library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/storage?~action=get Retrieves the storage information for a specific file in a library item.
GET /com/vmware/content/library/item/storage Lists all storage items for a given library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/storage/id:{library_item_id}?~action=list Lists all storage items for a given library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/storage?~action=list Lists all storage items for a given library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session Creates a new update session. An update session is used to make modifications to a library item. Modifications are not visible to other clients unless the session is completed and all necessary files have been received.

Content Library Service allows only one single update session to be active for a specific library item.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session?~action=create Creates a new update session. An update session is used to make modifications to a library item. Modifications are not visible to other clients unless the session is completed and all necessary files have been received.

Content Library Service allows only one single update session to be active for a specific library item.

GET /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session/id:{update_session_id} Gets the update session with the specified identifier, including the most up-to-date status information for the session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session/id:{update_session_id}?~action=get Gets the update session with the specified identifier, including the most up-to-date status information for the session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session?~action=get Gets the update session with the specified identifier, including the most up-to-date status information for the session.
GET /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session Lists the identifiers of the update session created by the calling user. Optionally may filter by library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session/id:{library_item_id}?~action=list Lists the identifiers of the update session created by the calling user. Optionally may filter by library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session?~action=list Lists the identifiers of the update session created by the calling user. Optionally may filter by library item.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session/id:{update_session_id}?~action=complete Completes the update session. This indicates that the client has finished making all the changes required to the underlying library item. If the client is pushing the content to the server, the library item will be updated once this call returns. If the server is pulling the content, the call may return before the changes become visible. In that case, the client can track the session to know when the server is done.

This operation requires the session to be in the ACTIVE state.

Depending on the type of the library item associated with this session, a type adapter may be invoked to verify the validity of the files uploaded. The user can explicitly validate the session before completing the session by using the validate operation.

Modifications are not visible to other clients unless the session is completed and all necessary files have been received.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session?~action=complete Completes the update session. This indicates that the client has finished making all the changes required to the underlying library item. If the client is pushing the content to the server, the library item will be updated once this call returns. If the server is pulling the content, the call may return before the changes become visible. In that case, the client can track the session to know when the server is done.

This operation requires the session to be in the ACTIVE state.

Depending on the type of the library item associated with this session, a type adapter may be invoked to verify the validity of the files uploaded. The user can explicitly validate the session before completing the session by using the validate operation.

Modifications are not visible to other clients unless the session is completed and all necessary files have been received.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session/id:{update_session_id}?~action=keep-alive Keeps an update session alive.

If there is no activity for an update session after a period of time, the update session will expire, then be deleted. The update session expiration timeout is configurable in the Content Library Service system configuration. The default is five minutes. Invoking this operation enables a client to specifically extend the lifetime of the update session.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session?~action=keep-alive Keeps an update session alive.

If there is no activity for an update session after a period of time, the update session will expire, then be deleted. The update session expiration timeout is configurable in the Content Library Service system configuration. The default is five minutes. Invoking this operation enables a client to specifically extend the lifetime of the update session.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session/id:{update_session_id}?~action=cancel Cancels the update session and deletes it. This operation will free up any temporary resources currently associated with the session.

This operation is not allowed if the session has been already completed.

Cancelling an update session will cancel any in progress transfers (either uploaded by the client or pulled by the server). Any content that has been already received will be scheduled for deletion.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session?~action=cancel Cancels the update session and deletes it. This operation will free up any temporary resources currently associated with the session.

This operation is not allowed if the session has been already completed.

Cancelling an update session will cancel any in progress transfers (either uploaded by the client or pulled by the server). Any content that has been already received will be scheduled for deletion.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session/id:{update_session_id}?~action=fail Terminates the update session with a client specified error message.

This is useful in transmitting client side failures (for example, not being able to access a file) to the server side.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session?~action=fail Terminates the update session with a client specified error message.

This is useful in transmitting client side failures (for example, not being able to access a file) to the server side.

DELETE /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session/id:{update_session_id} Deletes an update session. This removes the session and all information associated with it.

Removing an update session leaves any current transfers for that session in an indeterminate state (there is no guarantee that the server will terminate the transfers, or that the transfers can be completed). However there will no longer be a means of inspecting the status of those uploads except by seeing the effect on the library item.

Update sessions for which there is no upload activity or which are complete will automatically be deleted after a period of time.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session/id:{update_session_id}?~action=delete Deletes an update session. This removes the session and all information associated with it.

Removing an update session leaves any current transfers for that session in an indeterminate state (there is no guarantee that the server will terminate the transfers, or that the transfers can be completed). However there will no longer be a means of inspecting the status of those uploads except by seeing the effect on the library item.

Update sessions for which there is no upload activity or which are complete will automatically be deleted after a period of time.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/update-session?~action=delete Deletes an update session. This removes the session and all information associated with it.

Removing an update session leaves any current transfers for that session in an indeterminate state (there is no guarantee that the server will terminate the transfers, or that the transfers can be completed). However there will no longer be a means of inspecting the status of those uploads except by seeing the effect on the library item.

Update sessions for which there is no upload activity or which are complete will automatically be deleted after a period of time.

GET /com/vmware/content/library/item/downloadsession/file Lists the information of all the files in the library item associated with the download session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/downloadsession/file/id:{download_session_id}?~action=list Lists the information of all the files in the library item associated with the download session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/downloadsession/file?~action=list Lists the information of all the files in the library item associated with the download session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/downloadsession/file/id:{download_session_id}?~action=prepare Requests a file to be prepared for download.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/downloadsession/file?~action=prepare Requests a file to be prepared for download.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/downloadsession/file/id:{download_session_id}?~action=get Retrieves file download information for a specific file.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/downloadsession/file?~action=get Retrieves file download information for a specific file.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file/id:{update_session_id}?~action=validate Validates the files in the update session with the referenced identifier and ensures all necessary files are received. In the case where a file is missing, this operation will return its name in the com.vmware.content.library.item.updatesession.file.validation_result.missing_files set. The user can add the missing files and try re-validating. For other type of errors, com.vmware.content.library.item.updatesession.file.validation_result.invalid_files will contain the list of invalid files.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file?~action=validate Validates the files in the update session with the referenced identifier and ensures all necessary files are received. In the case where a file is missing, this operation will return its name in the com.vmware.content.library.item.updatesession.file.validation_result.missing_files set. The user can add the missing files and try re-validating. For other type of errors, com.vmware.content.library.item.updatesession.file.validation_result.invalid_files will contain the list of invalid files.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file/id:{update_session_id}?~action=add Requests file content to be changed (either created, or updated). Depending on the source type of the file, this operation will either return an upload endpoint where the client can push the content, or the server will pull from the provided source endpoint. If a file with the same name already exists in this session, this operation will be used to update the content of the existing file.

When importing a file directly from storage, where the source endpoint is a file or datastore URI, you will need to have the ContentLibrary.ReadStorage privilege on the library item. If the file is located in the same directory as the library storage backing folder, the server will move the file instead of copying it, thereby allowing instantaneous import of files for efficient backup and restore scenarios. In all other cases, a copy is performed rather than a move.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file?~action=add Requests file content to be changed (either created, or updated). Depending on the source type of the file, this operation will either return an upload endpoint where the client can push the content, or the server will pull from the provided source endpoint. If a file with the same name already exists in this session, this operation will be used to update the content of the existing file.

When importing a file directly from storage, where the source endpoint is a file or datastore URI, you will need to have the ContentLibrary.ReadStorage privilege on the library item. If the file is located in the same directory as the library storage backing folder, the server will move the file instead of copying it, thereby allowing instantaneous import of files for efficient backup and restore scenarios. In all other cases, a copy is performed rather than a move.

POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file/id:{update_session_id}?~action=remove Requests a file to be removed. The file will only be effectively removed when the update session is completed.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file?~action=remove Requests a file to be removed. The file will only be effectively removed when the update session is completed.
GET /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file Lists all files in the library item associated with the update session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file/id:{update_session_id}?~action=list Lists all files in the library item associated with the update session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file?~action=list Lists all files in the library item associated with the update session.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file/id:{update_session_id}?~action=get Retrieves information about a specific file in the snapshot of the library item at the time when the update session was created.
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/updatesession/file?~action=get Retrieves information about a specific file in the snapshot of the library item at the time when the update session was created.
POST /com/vmware/cis/session Creates a session with the API. This is the equivalent of login. This operation exchanges user credentials supplied in the security context for a session identifier that is to be used for authenticating subsequent calls. To authenticate subsequent calls clients are expected to include the session key.
POST /com/vmware/cis/session?~action=create Creates a session with the API. This is the equivalent of login. This operation exchanges user credentials supplied in the security context for a session identifier that is to be used for authenticating subsequent calls. To authenticate subsequent calls clients are expected to include the session key.
DELETE /com/vmware/cis/session Terminates the validity of a session token. This is the equivalent of log out.

A session identifier is expected as part of the request.

POST /com/vmware/cis/session?~action=delete Terminates the validity of a session token. This is the equivalent of log out.

A session identifier is expected as part of the request.

POST /com/vmware/cis/session?~action=get Returns information about the current session. This operation expects a valid session identifier to be supplied.

A side effect of invoking this operation may be a change to the session's last accessed time to the current time if this is supported by the session implementation. Invoking any other operation in the API will also update the session's last accessed time.

This API is meant to serve the needs of various front end projects that may want to display the name of the user. Examples of this include various web based user interfaces and logging facilities.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/vcenter/activation/id:{activation_id}?~action=cancel Sends a request to cancel the task associated with the provided activationId.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/vcenter/activation?~action=cancel Sends a request to cancel the task associated with the provided activationId.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/component Returns the identifiers for the component elements that have authentication information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/component?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the component elements that have authentication information.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/component/id:{component_id} Retrieves authentication information about the component element corresponding to component_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.component_data contains the authentication information about the component element and it's fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that belong to this component element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/component/id:{component_id}?~action=get Retrieves authentication information about the component element corresponding to component_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.component_data contains the authentication information about the component element and it's fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that belong to this component element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/component?~action=get Retrieves authentication information about the component element corresponding to component_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.component_data contains the authentication information about the component element and it's fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that belong to this component element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/component/id:{component_id}?~action=fingerprint Retrieves the fingerprint computed from the authentication metadata of the component element corresponding to component_id.

The fingerprint provides clients an efficient way to check if the metadata for a particular component has been modified on the server. The client can do this by comparing the result of this operation with the fingerprint returned in the result of get.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/component?~action=fingerprint Retrieves the fingerprint computed from the authentication metadata of the component element corresponding to component_id.

The fingerprint provides clients an efficient way to check if the metadata for a particular component has been modified on the server. The client can do this by comparing the result of this operation with the fingerprint returned in the result of get.

GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/package Returns the identifiers for the package elements that have authentication information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/package?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the package elements that have authentication information.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/package/id:{package_id} Retrieves authentication information about the package element corresponding to package_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/package/id:{package_id}?~action=get Retrieves authentication information about the package element corresponding to package_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/package?~action=get Retrieves authentication information about the package element corresponding to package_id.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service Returns the identifiers for the service elements that have authentication information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the service elements that have authentication information.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service/id:{service_id} Retrieves authentication information about the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service/id:{service_id}?~action=get Retrieves authentication information about the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service?~action=get Retrieves authentication information about the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source/id:{source_id} Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the authentication metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication package.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source/id:{source_id}?~action=create Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the authentication metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication package.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source?~action=create Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the authentication metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication package.
DELETE /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source/id:{source_id} Deletes an existing authentication metadata source from the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source/id:{source_id}?~action=delete Deletes an existing authentication metadata source from the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source?~action=delete Deletes an existing authentication metadata source from the infrastructure.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source/id:{source_id} Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source/id:{source_id}?~action=get Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source?~action=get Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source Returns the identifiers of the metadata sources currently registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source?~action=list Returns the identifiers of the metadata sources currently registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source/id:{source_id}?~action=reload Reloads the authentication metadata from all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source?~action=reload Reloads the authentication metadata from all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source/id:{source_id}?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of metadata from all the metadata sources or from a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/source?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of metadata from all the metadata sources or from a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service/operation Returns the identifiers for the operation elements contained in the service element corresponding to service_id that have authentication information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service/operation/id:{service_id}?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the operation elements contained in the service element corresponding to service_id that have authentication information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service/operation?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the operation elements contained in the service element corresponding to service_id that have authentication information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service/operation/id:{service_id}?~action=get Retrieves the authentication information about an operation element corresponding to operation_id contained in the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/authentication/service/operation?~action=get Retrieves the authentication information about an operation element corresponding to operation_id contained in the service element corresponding to service_id.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/command Returns the identifiers of all commands, or commands in a specific namespace.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/command?~action=list Returns the identifiers of all commands, or commands in a specific namespace.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/command?~action=get Retrieves information about a command including information about how to execute that command.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/command?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of all the command metadata from all the metadata sources.

The fingerprint provides clients an efficient way to check if the metadata for commands has been modified on the server.

GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/namespace Returns the identifiers of all namespaces registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/namespace?~action=list Returns the identifiers of all namespaces registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/namespace?~action=get Retreives information about a namespace including information about children of that namespace.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/namespace?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of all the namespace metadata from all the metadata sources.

The fingerprint provides clients an efficient way to check if the metadata for namespaces has been modified on the server.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source/id:{source_id} Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the CLI metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.cli package.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source/id:{source_id}?~action=create Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the CLI metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.cli package.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source?~action=create Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the CLI metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.cli package.
DELETE /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source/id:{source_id} Deletes an existing CLI metadata source from the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source/id:{source_id}?~action=delete Deletes an existing CLI metadata source from the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source?~action=delete Deletes an existing CLI metadata source from the infrastructure.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source/id:{source_id} Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source/id:{source_id}?~action=get Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source?~action=get Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source Returns the identifiers of the metadata sources currently registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source?~action=list Returns the identifiers of the metadata sources currently registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source/id:{source_id}?~action=reload Reloads the CLI metadata from all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source?~action=reload Reloads the CLI metadata from all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source/id:{source_id}?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of metadata from all the metadata sources or from a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/cli/source?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of metadata from all the metadata sources or from a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/component Returns the identifiers for the component elements that are registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/component?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the component elements that are registered with the infrastructure.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/component/id:{component_id} Retrieves metamodel information about the component element corresponding to component_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.component_data contains the metamodel information about the component and it's fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that are contained in this component element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/component/id:{component_id}?~action=get Retrieves metamodel information about the component element corresponding to component_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.component_data contains the metamodel information about the component and it's fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that are contained in this component element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/component?~action=get Retrieves metamodel information about the component element corresponding to component_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.component_data contains the metamodel information about the component and it's fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that are contained in this component element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/component/id:{component_id}?~action=fingerprint Retrieves the fingerprint computed from the metamodel metadata of the component element corresponding to component_id.

The fingerprint provides clients an efficient way to check if the metadata for a particular component element has been modified on the server. The client can do this by comparing the result of this operation with the fingerprint returned in the result of get.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/component?~action=fingerprint Retrieves the fingerprint computed from the metamodel metadata of the component element corresponding to component_id.

The fingerprint provides clients an efficient way to check if the metadata for a particular component element has been modified on the server. The client can do this by comparing the result of this operation with the fingerprint returned in the result of get.

GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/enumeration Returns the identifiers for the enumeration elements that are contained in all the package elements, service elements and structure elements.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/enumeration?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the enumeration elements that are contained in all the package elements, service elements and structure elements.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/enumeration/id:{enumeration_id} Retrieves information about the enumeration element corresponding to enumeration_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.enumeration_info contains the metamodel information about the enumeration value element contained in the enumeration element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/enumeration/id:{enumeration_id}?~action=get Retrieves information about the enumeration element corresponding to enumeration_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.enumeration_info contains the metamodel information about the enumeration value element contained in the enumeration element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/enumeration?~action=get Retrieves information about the enumeration element corresponding to enumeration_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.enumeration_info contains the metamodel information about the enumeration value element contained in the enumeration element.

GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/package Returns the identifiers for the packages elements that are contained in all the registered component elements.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/package?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the packages elements that are contained in all the registered component elements.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/package/id:{package_id} Retrieves information about the package element corresponding to packagetId.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/package/id:{package_id}?~action=get Retrieves information about the package element corresponding to packagetId.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/package?~action=get Retrieves information about the package element corresponding to packagetId.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/resource Returns the set of resource types present across all the service elements contained in all the package elements.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/resource?~action=list Returns the set of resource types present across all the service elements contained in all the package elements.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service Returns the identifiers for the service elements that are currently registered with the infrastructure.

The list of service elements is an aggregate list of all the service elements contained in all the package elements.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the service elements that are currently registered with the infrastructure.

The list of service elements is an aggregate list of all the service elements contained in all the package elements.

GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service/id:{service_id} Retrieves information about the service element corresponding to service_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.service_info contains the metamodel information for the operation elements, structure elements and enumeration elements contained in the service element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service/id:{service_id}?~action=get Retrieves information about the service element corresponding to service_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.service_info contains the metamodel information for the operation elements, structure elements and enumeration elements contained in the service element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service?~action=get Retrieves information about the service element corresponding to service_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.service_info contains the metamodel information for the operation elements, structure elements and enumeration elements contained in the service element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source/id:{source_id} Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the metamodel metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel package.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source/id:{source_id}?~action=create Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the metamodel metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel package.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source?~action=create Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the metamodel metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel package.
DELETE /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source/id:{source_id} Deletes an existing metamodel metadata source from the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source/id:{source_id}?~action=delete Deletes an existing metamodel metadata source from the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source?~action=delete Deletes an existing metamodel metadata source from the infrastructure.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source/id:{source_id} Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source/id:{source_id}?~action=get Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source?~action=get Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source Returns the identifiers of the metadata sources currently registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source?~action=list Returns the identifiers of the metadata sources currently registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source/id:{source_id}?~action=reload Reloads the metamodel metadata from all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source?~action=reload Reloads the metamodel metadata from all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source/id:{source_id}?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of metadata from all the metadata sources or from a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/source?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of metadata from all the metadata sources or from a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/structure Returns the identifiers for the structure elements that are contained in all the package elements and service elements.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/structure?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the structure elements that are contained in all the package elements and service elements.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/structure/id:{structure_id} Retrieves information about the structure element corresponding to structure_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.structure_info contains the metamodel information about the structure element. It contains information about all the field elements and enumeration elements contained in this structure element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/structure/id:{structure_id}?~action=get Retrieves information about the structure element corresponding to structure_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.structure_info contains the metamodel information about the structure element. It contains information about all the field elements and enumeration elements contained in this structure element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/structure?~action=get Retrieves information about the structure element corresponding to structure_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.structure_info contains the metamodel information about the structure element. It contains information about all the field elements and enumeration elements contained in this structure element.

GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/resource/model Returns the set of identifiers for the structure elements that are models for the resource type corresponding to resource_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.structure service provides operations to retrieve more details about the structure elements corresponding to the identifiers returned by this operation.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/resource/model/id:{resource_id}?~action=list Returns the set of identifiers for the structure elements that are models for the resource type corresponding to resource_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.structure service provides operations to retrieve more details about the structure elements corresponding to the identifiers returned by this operation.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/resource/model?~action=list Returns the set of identifiers for the structure elements that are models for the resource type corresponding to resource_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel.structure service provides operations to retrieve more details about the structure elements corresponding to the identifiers returned by this operation.

GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service/operation Returns the identifiers for the operation elements that are defined in the scope of service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service/operation/id:{service_id}?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the operation elements that are defined in the scope of service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service/operation?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the operation elements that are defined in the scope of service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service/operation/id:{service_id}?~action=get Retrieves the metamodel information about an operation element corresponding to operation_id contained in the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service/operation?~action=get Retrieves the metamodel information about an operation element corresponding to operation_id contained in the service element corresponding to service_id.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/metamodel/service/operation/id:{service_id}/id:{operation_id} Retrieves the metamodel information about an operation element corresponding to operation_id contained in the service element corresponding to service_id.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/component Returns the identifiers for the component elements that have privilege information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/component?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the component elements that have privilege information.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/component/id:{component_id} Retrieves privilege information about the component element corresponding to component_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.privilege.component_data contains the privilege information about the component element and its fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that belong to this component element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/component/id:{component_id}?~action=get Retrieves privilege information about the component element corresponding to component_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.privilege.component_data contains the privilege information about the component element and its fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that belong to this component element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/component?~action=get Retrieves privilege information about the component element corresponding to component_id.

The com.vmware.vapi.metadata.privilege.component_data contains the privilege information about the component element and its fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that belong to this component element.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/component/id:{component_id}?~action=fingerprint Retrieves the fingerprint computed from the privilege metadata of the component element corresponding to component_id.

The fingerprint provides clients an efficient way to check if the metadata for a particular component has been modified on the server. The client can do this by comparing the result of this operation with the fingerprint returned in the result of get.

POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/component?~action=fingerprint Retrieves the fingerprint computed from the privilege metadata of the component element corresponding to component_id.

The fingerprint provides clients an efficient way to check if the metadata for a particular component has been modified on the server. The client can do this by comparing the result of this operation with the fingerprint returned in the result of get.

GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/package Returns the identifiers for the package elements that have privilege information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/package?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the package elements that have privilege information.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/package/id:{package_id} Retrieves privilege information about the package element corresponding to package_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/package/id:{package_id}?~action=get Retrieves privilege information about the package element corresponding to package_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/package?~action=get Retrieves privilege information about the package element corresponding to package_id.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service Returns the identifiers for the service elements that have privilege information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the service elements that have privilege information.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service/id:{service_id} Retrieves privilege information about the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service/id:{service_id}?~action=get Retrieves privilege information about the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service?~action=get Retrieves privilege information about the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source/id:{source_id} Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the privilege metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.privilege package.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source/id:{source_id}?~action=create Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the privilege metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.privilege package.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source?~action=create Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the privilege metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the services defined in com.vmware.vapi.metadata.privilege package.
DELETE /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source/id:{source_id} Deletes an existing privilege metadata source from the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source/id:{source_id}?~action=delete Deletes an existing privilege metadata source from the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source?~action=delete Deletes an existing privilege metadata source from the infrastructure.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source/id:{source_id} Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source/id:{source_id}?~action=get Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source?~action=get Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to source_id.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source Returns the identifiers of the metadata sources currently registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source?~action=list Returns the identifiers of the metadata sources currently registered with the infrastructure.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source/id:{source_id}?~action=reload Reloads the privilege metadata from all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source?~action=reload Reloads the privilege metadata from all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source/id:{source_id}?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of metadata from all the metadata sources or from a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/source?~action=fingerprint Returns the aggregate fingerprint of metadata from all the metadata sources or from a particular metadata source if source_id is specified.
GET /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service/operation Returns the identifiers for the operation elements contained in the service element corresponding to service_id that have privilege information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service/operation/id:{service_id}?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the operation elements contained in the service element corresponding to service_id that have privilege information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service/operation?~action=list Returns the identifiers for the operation elements contained in the service element corresponding to service_id that have privilege information.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service/operation/id:{service_id}?~action=get Retrieves the privilege information about an operation element corresponding to operation_id contained in the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/vapi/metadata/privilege/service/operation?~action=get Retrieves the privilege information about an operation element corresponding to operation_id contained in the service element corresponding to service_id.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category Creates a category. To invoke this operation, you need the create category privilege.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category?~action=create Creates a category. To invoke this operation, you need the create category privilege.
GET /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{category_id} Fetches the category information for the given category identifier. In order to view the category information, you need the read privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{category_id}?~action=get Fetches the category information for the given category identifier. In order to view the category information, you need the read privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category?~action=get Fetches the category information for the given category identifier. In order to view the category information, you need the read privilege on the category.
PATCH /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{category_id} Updates an existing category. To invoke this operation, you need the edit privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{category_id}?~action=update Updates an existing category. To invoke this operation, you need the edit privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category?~action=update Updates an existing category. To invoke this operation, you need the edit privilege on the category.
DELETE /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{category_id} Deletes an existing category. To invoke this operation, you need the delete privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{category_id}?~action=delete Deletes an existing category. To invoke this operation, you need the delete privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category?~action=delete Deletes an existing category. To invoke this operation, you need the delete privilege on the category.
GET /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category Enumerates the categories in the system. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the individual categories. The array will only contain those categories for which you have read privileges.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category?~action=list Enumerates the categories in the system. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the individual categories. The array will only contain those categories for which you have read privileges.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category?~action=list-used-categories Enumerates all categories for which the used_by_entity is part of the com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.used_by subscribers set. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the individual categories.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{category_id}?~action=add-to-used-by Adds the used_by_entity to the com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.used_by subscribers set for the specified category. If the used_by_entity is already in the set, then this becomes an idempotent no-op. To invoke this operation, you need the modify com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.used_by privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category?~action=add-to-used-by Adds the used_by_entity to the com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.used_by subscribers set for the specified category. If the used_by_entity is already in the set, then this becomes an idempotent no-op. To invoke this operation, you need the modify com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.used_by privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{category_id}?~action=remove-from-used-by Removes the used_by_entity from the com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.used_by subscribers set. If the used_by_entity is not using this category, then this becomes a no-op. To invoke this operation, you need the modify com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.used_by privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category?~action=remove-from-used-by Removes the used_by_entity from the com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.used_by subscribers set. If the used_by_entity is not using this category, then this becomes a no-op. To invoke this operation, you need the modify com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.used_by privilege on the category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:{category_id}?~action=revoke-propagating-permissions Revokes all propagating permissions on the given category. You should then attach a direct permission with tagging privileges on the given category. To invoke this operation, you need category related privileges (direct or propagating) on the concerned category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/category?~action=revoke-propagating-permissions Revokes all propagating permissions on the given category. You should then attach a direct permission with tagging privileges on the given category. To invoke this operation, you need category related privileges (direct or propagating) on the concerned category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag Creates a tag. To invoke this operation, you need the create tag privilege on the input category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=create Creates a tag. To invoke this operation, you need the create tag privilege on the input category.
GET /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag_id} Fetches the tag information for the given tag identifier. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the tag in order to view the tag info.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag_id}?~action=get Fetches the tag information for the given tag identifier. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the tag in order to view the tag info.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=get Fetches the tag information for the given tag identifier. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the tag in order to view the tag info.
PATCH /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag_id} Updates an existing tag. To invoke this operation, you need the edit privilege on the tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag_id}?~action=update Updates an existing tag. To invoke this operation, you need the edit privilege on the tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=update Updates an existing tag. To invoke this operation, you need the edit privilege on the tag.
DELETE /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag_id} Deletes an existing tag. To invoke this operation, you need the delete privilege on the tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag_id}?~action=delete Deletes an existing tag. To invoke this operation, you need the delete privilege on the tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=delete Deletes an existing tag. To invoke this operation, you need the delete privilege on the tag.
GET /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag Enumerates the tags in the system. To invoke this operation, you need read privilege on the individual tags. The array will only contain tags for which you have read privileges.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=list Enumerates the tags in the system. To invoke this operation, you need read privilege on the individual tags. The array will only contain tags for which you have read privileges.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=list-used-tags Enumerates all tags for which the used_by_entity is part of the com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model.used_by subscribers set. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the individual tags.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{category_id}?~action=list-tags-for-category Enumerates all tags for the given category. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the given category and the individual tags in that category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=list-tags-for-category Enumerates all tags for the given category. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the given category and the individual tags in that category.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag_id}?~action=add-to-used-by Adds the used_by_entity to the com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model.used_by subscribers set. If the used_by_entity is already in the set, then this becomes a no-op. To invoke this operation, you need the modify com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model.used_by privilege on the tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=add-to-used-by Adds the used_by_entity to the com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model.used_by subscribers set. If the used_by_entity is already in the set, then this becomes a no-op. To invoke this operation, you need the modify com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model.used_by privilege on the tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag_id}?~action=remove-from-used-by Removes the used_by_entity from the com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model.used_by subscribers set. If the used_by_entity is not using this tag, then this becomes a no-op. To invoke this operation, you need modify com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model.used_by privilege on the tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=remove-from-used-by Removes the used_by_entity from the com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model.used_by subscribers set. If the used_by_entity is not using this tag, then this becomes a no-op. To invoke this operation, you need modify com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model.used_by privilege on the tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag/id:{tag_id}?~action=revoke-propagating-permissions Revokes all propagating permissions on the given tag. You should then attach a direct permission with tagging privileges on the given tag. To invoke this operation, you need tag related privileges (direct or propagating) on the concerned tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag?~action=revoke-propagating-permissions Revokes all propagating permissions on the given tag. You should then attach a direct permission with tagging privileges on the given tag. To invoke this operation, you need tag related privileges (direct or propagating) on the concerned tag.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association/id:{tag_id}?~action=attach Attaches the given tag to the input object. To invoke this operation, you need the attach tag privilege on the tag and the read privilege on the object.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association?~action=attach Attaches the given tag to the input object. To invoke this operation, you need the attach tag privilege on the tag and the read privilege on the object.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association/id:{tag_id}?~action=detach Detaches the tag from the given object. To invoke this operation, you need the attach tag privilege on the tag and the read privilege on the object.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association?~action=detach Detaches the tag from the given object. To invoke this operation, you need the attach tag privilege on the tag and the read privilege on the object.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association/id:{tag_id}?~action=list-attached-objects Fetches the array of attached objects for the given tag. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the input tag. Only those objects for which you have read privileges will be returned.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association?~action=list-attached-objects Fetches the array of attached objects for the given tag. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the input tag. Only those objects for which you have read privileges will be returned.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association?~action=list-attached-tags Fetches the array of tags attached to the given object. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the input object. The array will only contain those tags for which you have read privileges.
POST /com/vmware/cis/tagging/tag-association?~action=list-attachable-tags Fetches the array of attachable tags for the given object, omitting the tags that have already been attached. Criteria for attachability is calculated based on tagging cardinality (com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.cardinality) and associability (com.vmware.cis.tagging.category_model.associable_types) constructs. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the input object. The array will only contain those tags for which you have read privileges.
POST /com/vmware/vcenter/inventory/datastore?~action=find Returns datastore information for the specified datastores. The key in the result key/value pairs is the datastore identifier and the value in the key/value pairs is the datastore information.
POST /com/vmware/vcenter/inventory/network?~action=find Returns network information for the specified vCenter Server networks. The key in the result key/value pairs is the network identifier and the value in the key/value pairs is the network information.
GET /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/export-flag Returns information about the supported export flags by the server.

The supported flags are:

Include MAC addresses for network adapters.
Include extra configuration in OVF export.

Future server versions might support additional flags.

POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/export-flag?~action=list Returns information about the supported export flags by the server.

The supported flags are:

Include MAC addresses for network adapters.
Include extra configuration in OVF export.

Future server versions might support additional flags.

GET /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/import-flag Returns information about the import flags supported by the deployment platform.

The supported flags are:

Lax mode parsing of the OVF descriptor.

Future server versions might support additional flags.

POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/import-flag/id:{rp}?~action=list Returns information about the import flags supported by the deployment platform.

The supported flags are:

Lax mode parsing of the OVF descriptor.

Future server versions might support additional flags.

POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/import-flag?~action=list Returns information about the import flags supported by the deployment platform.

The supported flags are:

Lax mode parsing of the OVF descriptor.

Future server versions might support additional flags.

POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item/id:{ovf_library_item_id}?~action=deploy Deploys an OVF package stored in content library to a newly created virtual machine or virtual appliance.

This operation deploys an OVF package which is stored in the library item specified by ovf_library_item_id. It uses the deployment specification in deployment_spec to deploy the OVF package to the location specified by target.

POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item?~action=deploy Deploys an OVF package stored in content library to a newly created virtual machine or virtual appliance.

This operation deploys an OVF package which is stored in the library item specified by ovf_library_item_id. It uses the deployment specification in deployment_spec to deploy the OVF package to the location specified by target.

POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item/id:{ovf_library_item_id}?~action=filter Queries an OVF package stored in content library to retrieve information to use when deploying the package. See deploy.

This operation retrieves information from the descriptor of the OVF package stored in the library item specified by ovf_library_item_id. The information returned by the operation can be used to populate the deployment specification (see com.vmware.vcenter.ovf.library_item.resource_pool_deployment_spec when deploying the OVF package to the deployment target specified by target.

POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item?~action=filter Queries an OVF package stored in content library to retrieve information to use when deploying the package. See deploy.

This operation retrieves information from the descriptor of the OVF package stored in the library item specified by ovf_library_item_id. The information returned by the operation can be used to populate the deployment specification (see com.vmware.vcenter.ovf.library_item.resource_pool_deployment_spec when deploying the OVF package to the deployment target specified by target.

POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item Creates a library item in content library from a virtual machine or virtual appliance.

This operation creates a library item in content library whose content is an OVF package derived from a source virtual machine or virtual appliance, using the supplied create specification. The OVF package may be stored as in a newly created library item or in an in an existing library item. For an existing library item whose content is updated by this operation, the original content is overwritten.

POST /com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item?~action=create Creates a library item in content library from a virtual machine or virtual appliance.

This operation creates a library item in content library whose content is an OVF package derived from a source virtual machine or virtual appliance, using the supplied create specification. The OVF package may be stored as in a newly created library item or in an in an existing library item. For an existing library item whose content is updated by this operation, the original content is overwritten.

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