
The download_session service manipulates download sessions, which are used to download content from the Content Library Service.

A download session is an object that tracks the download of content (that is, downloading content from the Content Library Service) and acts as a lease to keep the download links available.

The com.vmware.content.library.item.downloadsession.file service provides access to the download links.


DELETE /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{download_session_id}
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session/id:{download_session_id}?~action=delete
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session?~action=delete

Deletes a download session. This removes the session and all information associated with it.

Removing a download session leaves any current transfers for that session in an indeterminate state (there is no guarantee that the transfers will be able to complete). However there will no longer be a means of inspecting the status of those downloads except by seeing the effect on the library item.

Download sessions for which there is no download activity or which are complete will automatically be expired and then deleted after a period of time.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ns0:Delete-Input xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:xsi="">
POST /com/vmware/content/library/item/download-session?~action=delete

Name Type Required Description
ID Yes Identifier of the download session to be deleted. Id of type com.vmware.content.library.item.DownloadSession.


Name Type Required Description
result VOID Yes

Type Description HTTP Status Code
not_found if the download session does not exist. 404

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