

The ovf_warning structure describes a warning related to accessing, validating, deploying, or exporting an OVF package.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ns0:OvfWarning xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:xsi="">

Name Type Required Description
com.vmware.vcenter.ovf.ovf_message.category Yes The message category.
The category enumerated type defines the categories of messages (see com.vmware.vcenter.ovf.ovf_message).
Values one of
VALIDATION: The OVF descriptor is invalid, for example, syntax errors or schema errors.
INPUT: The user provided input parameters are invalid.
SERVER: Server error.
issues List<parse_issue> No. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of category is VALIDATION. Array of parse issues (see com.vmware.vcenter.ovf.parse_issue). Required if category has value VALIDATION.
name string No. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of category is INPUT. The name of input parameter. Required if category has value INPUT.
value string No. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of category is INPUT. The value of input parameter. Required if category has value INPUT.
message localizable_message No. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of category is INPUT. A localizable message. Required if category has value INPUT.
error dynamic_structure No. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of category is SERVER. Represents a server com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.error. Has the fields of error. Required if category has value SERVER.

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