Annotation Interface EnableCachingDefinedRegions

The EnableCachingDefinedRegions annotation marks a Spring @Configuration application annotated class to enable the creation of GemFire/Geode Regions based on Spring's Cache Abstraction Annotations applied to application service methods and types. Additionally, this annotation enables Spring's Cache Abstraction with SDG's EnableGemfireCaching annotation, which declares Spring's EnableCaching annotation as well as declares the SDG GemfireCacheManager bean definition.
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    When this annotation is applied to a cache client application, the clientRegionShortcut attribute specifies the data management policy applied to client Regions where persistent entities are only annotated with the generic Region mapping annotation, or the non-data policy specific mapping annotation.
    When this annotation is applied to a cache client application, the poolName attribute refers to the default name of the GemFire/Geode Pool assigned to client Region(s).
    When this annotation is applied to a peer cache application, the serverRegionShortcut attribute specifies the data management policy applied to server Regions where persistent entities are only annotated with the generic Region mapping annotation, or the non-data policy specific mapping annotation.
  • Element Details

    • clientRegionShortcut

      org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionShortcut clientRegionShortcut
      When this annotation is applied to a cache client application, the clientRegionShortcut attribute specifies the data management policy applied to client Regions where persistent entities are only annotated with the generic Region mapping annotation, or the non-data policy specific mapping annotation. Defaults to ClientRegionShortcut.PROXY.
    • poolName

      String poolName
      When this annotation is applied to a cache client application, the poolName attribute refers to the default name of the GemFire/Geode Pool assigned to client Region(s). This value can be overridden by annotating entities with the ClientRegion annotation. Defaults to DEFAULT.
    • serverRegionShortcut

      org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut serverRegionShortcut
      When this annotation is applied to a peer cache application, the serverRegionShortcut attribute specifies the data management policy applied to server Regions where persistent entities are only annotated with the generic Region mapping annotation, or the non-data policy specific mapping annotation. Defaults to RegionShortcut.PARTITION.