Annotation Interface EnableMcast

The EnableMcast annotation marks a Spring @Configuration annotated Class to configure and enable Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode's multi-cast networking features.
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Address used to discover other members of the distributed system.
    Tuning property for flow-of-control protocol for unicast and multicast no-ack UDP messaging.
    Port used, along with the mcast-address, for multicast communication with other members of the distributed system.
    Size of the socket buffer used for incoming multicast transmissions.
    The size of the socket buffer used for outgoing multicast transmissions.
    How far multicast messaging goes in your network.
  • Element Details

    • address

      String address
      Address used to discover other members of the distributed system. Only used if mcast-port is non-zero. This attribute must be consistent across the distributed system. Select different multicast addresses and different ports for different distributed systems. Do not just use different addresses. Some operating systems may not keep communication separate between systems that use unique addresses but the same port number. This default multicast address was assigned by IANA. Consult the IANA chart when selecting another multicast address to use with GemFire. This setting controls only peer-to-peer communication and does not apply to client/server or multi-site communication. If multicast is enabled, distributed regions use it for most communication. Partitioned Regions only use multicast for a few purposes and mainly use either TCP or UDP unicast. Defaults to for IPv4 and FF38::1234 for IPv6.
      See Also:
    • flowControl

      String flowControl
      Tuning property for flow-of-control protocol for unicast and multicast no-ack UDP messaging. Compound property is made up of three settings separated by commas: byteAllowance, rechargeThreshold, and rechargeBlockMs. Valid values range from these minimums: 10000,0.1,500 to these maximums: no_maximum ,0.5,60000. This setting controls only peer-to-peer communication, generally between distributed Regions. Defaults to 1048576,0.25,5000.
    • port

      int port
      Port used, along with the mcast-address, for multicast communication with other members of the distributed system. If zero, multicast is disabled. If you have values specified for the locators property, the mcast-port property defaults to 0. Valid values are in the range 0..65535. Select different multicast addresses and ports for different distributed systems. Do not just use different addresses. Some operating systems may not keep communication separate between systems that use unique addresses but the same port number. This setting controls only peer-to-peer communication and does not apply to client/server or multi-site communication. Defaults to 10334.
    • receiveBufferSize

      int receiveBufferSize
      Size of the socket buffer used for incoming multicast transmissions. You should set this high if there will be high volumes of messages. Valid values are in the range 2048.. OS_maximum. The default setting is higher than the default OS maximum buffer size on Unix, which should be increased to at least 1 megabyte to provide high-volume messaging on Unix systems. This setting controls only peer-to-peer communication and does not apply to client/server or multi-site communication. Defaults to 1048576 bytes.
    • sendBufferSize

      int sendBufferSize
      The size of the socket buffer used for outgoing multicast transmissions. Valid values are in the range 2048.. OS_maximum. This setting controls only peer-to-peer communication and does not apply to client/server or multi-site communication. Defaults to 65535.
    • timeToLive

      int timeToLive
      How far multicast messaging goes in your network. Lower settings may improve system performance. A setting of 0 constrains multicast messaging to the machine. Defaults to 32.