Interface QueryPostProcessor<T extends,QUERY>

Type Parameters:
T - type identifying the Repositories to match on during registration.
QUERY - type of the query to process.
All Superinterfaces:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface QueryPostProcessor<T extends,QUERY> extends org.springframework.core.Ordered
The QueryPostProcessor interface defines a contract for implementations to post process a given query and possibly return a new or modified version of the same query. QueryPostProcessors are useful for handling and processing queries derived from Repository QueryMethods, and give a developer the opportunity, via the callback, to further process the generated query. QueryPostProcessors can be used on both derived queries and manual queries. Manual queries are defined as queries specified using SDG's @Query annotation or by defining a named query in a module-specific Properties files (e.g. META-INF/
See Also: