Note regarding UTF-8 characters: UTF-8 character sets (e.g. Chinese) need to explicity set the Content-Type request header when making API calls:

Content-Type: application/xml;charset=utf-8

POST /internal/adapterkinds/{adapterKindKey}/resourcekinds

Creates a new Resource Kind in the system.
This API does not support localized names for the Resource Kind. Thus, during the creation one cannot specify the name for the Resource Kind. The Resource Kind key becomes the default localized name for the Resource Kind.
Sample request is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:resource-kind key="NewObjectType" xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ops:name>A new type of vCenter ManagedObject</ops:name>
        <ops:resourceIdentifierType isPartOfUniqueness="true" dataType="STRING" name="VMEntityVCID"/>
        <ops:resourceIdentifierType isPartOfUniqueness="true" dataType="STRING" name="VMEntityObjectID"/>
        <ops:resourceIdentifierType isPartOfUniqueness="false" dataType="STRING" name="VMEntityName"/>
  "key" : "NewObjectType",
  "name" : "A new type of vCenter ManagedObject",
  "localization" : null,
  "adapterKind" : null,
  "adapterKindName" : null,
  "resourceKindType" : "GENERAL",
  "resourceKindSubType" : "NONE",
  "resourceIdentifierType" : [ {
    "name" : "VMEntityVCID",
    "dataType" : "STRING",
    "isPartOfUniqueness" : true,
    "extension" : null,
    "links" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "VMEntityObjectID",
    "dataType" : "STRING",
    "isPartOfUniqueness" : true,
    "extension" : null,
    "links" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "VMEntityName",
    "dataType" : "STRING",
    "isPartOfUniqueness" : false,
    "extension" : null,
    "links" : null
  } ],
  "extension" : null,
  "links" : null

Sample response is shown below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:resource-kind key="NewObjectType" xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ops:name>A new type of vCenter ManagedObject</ops:name>
        <ops:resourceIdentifierType isPartOfUniqueness="true" dataType="STRING" name="VMEntityVCID"/>
        <ops:resourceIdentifierType isPartOfUniqueness="true" dataType="STRING" name="VMEntityObjectID"/>
        <ops:resourceIdentifierType isPartOfUniqueness="false" dataType="STRING" name="VMEntityName"/>
  "key" : "NewObjectType",
  "name" : "A new type of vCenter ManagedObject",
  "localization" : null,
  "adapterKind" : null,
  "adapterKindName" : null,
  "resourceKindType" : "GENERAL",
  "resourceKindSubType" : "NONE",
  "resourceIdentifierType" : [ {
    "name" : "VMEntityVCID",
    "dataType" : "STRING",
    "isPartOfUniqueness" : true,
    "extension" : null,
    "links" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "VMEntityObjectID",
    "dataType" : "STRING",
    "isPartOfUniqueness" : true,
    "extension" : null,
    "links" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "VMEntityName",
    "dataType" : "STRING",
    "isPartOfUniqueness" : false,
    "extension" : null,
    "links" : null
  } ],
  "extension" : null,
  "links" : null

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
adapterKindKey template xs:string yes no

Request body content

 The following data representation(s) are supported input types. Click each item to learn more.

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

POST /internal/adapterkinds/describe

Updates the describe document and triggers a Describe operation.

This API can be used to upload a describe.xml only as a String. The describe.xml data needs to correspond to an adapter kind of OPENAPI type. Using this API, one can bring in new adapter kind into the system or update(upgrade) the metadata of an existing adapter kind.

An empty request body (describeXml) will request a re-describe on all installed adapters.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
forceDescribe Forces the describe to occur (ignores version check) query xs:boolean yes no false

Request body content

 The following data representation(s) are supported input types. Click each item to learn more.
  • Element not known

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

POST /internal/adapterkinds

Uploads Adapter zip file (via file upload) and returns an object to monitor progress.
Returns HttpStatus.ACCEPTED on success.
The "Content-Type" of the request is multipart/form-data. Returns a TaskStatus object to track adapter installation progress.

This API is primarily used to upload a .zip file of adapters that implement the vRealize Operations Manager Java Adapter API. The .zip file includes the adapter jar file and the directory with the same name as that of the adapter jar which contains the configuration files, dependent libraries, describe.xml etc.
A sample output in XML and JSON is shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:task-status xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ops:statusMessage>Distributed Task Execution for ADAPTER_INSTALL</ops:statusMessage>
  "taskId" : "a133df80-be01-4bf7-b389-ad6e692d9b1d",
  "description" : null,
  "statusMessage" : "Distributed Task Execution for ADAPTER_INSTALL",
  "taskState" : "RUNNING",
  "createdTime" : 0,
  "lastUpdateTime" : 1523035907229,
  "errorMessage" : [ ],
  "links" : null

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
file query xs:binary yes no
forceUpload True to force install of adapter binary and files, false to only install newer versions query xs:boolean no no
forceContentUpdate query xs:boolean no no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

POST /internal/adapterkinds/describeupload

Updates the describe document via file upload and triggers a Describe operation.

This API can be used to upload a describe.xml only. The describe.xml data needs to correspond to an adapter kind of OPENAPI type. Using this API, one can bring in new adapter kind into the system or update(upgrade) the metadata of an existing adapter kind.

An empty/blank file (describeFile), will request a re-describe on all installed adapters.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
describeFile The describe document file that was uploaded query xs:binary yes no
forceDescribe Forces the describe to occur (ignores document version check) query xs:boolean yes no false

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

POST /internal/agent/upgrade

Upgrades a specific agent in the system.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

This method does not take any request parameters.

Request body content

 The following data representation(s) are supported input types. Click each item to learn more.

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type
No content returned by this method.

DELETE /internal/deployment/config/properties/{namespace}/{key}

delete key and values from namespace.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
key key to delete template xs:string yes no
namespace namespace template xs:string yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type
No content returned by this method.

POST /internal/deployment/config/properties/{namespace}

set default key/values for the given namespace.

Sample Request in XML format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:entries xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ops:entry values="VALUE_1 VALUE_2" key="KEY_1"/>
Sample Request in JSON format
  "pageInfo" : null,
  "links" : null,
  "keyValues" : [ {
    "key" : "KEY_1",
    "values" : [ "VALUE_1", "VALUE_2" ]
  } ]

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
namespace namespace template xs:string yes no

Request body content

 The following data representation(s) are supported input types. Click each item to learn more.

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type
No content returned by this method.

PUT /internal/deployment/config/properties/{namespace}/{key}/{value}

update values for the given namespace key.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
value comma-separated string of values template xs:string yes no
key key to delete template xs:string yes no
namespace namespace template xs:string yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type
No content returned by this method.

PUT /internal/deployment/config/properties/{namespace}

update default key/values for the given namespace.

Sample Request in XML format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:entries xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ops:entry values="VALUE_1 VALUE_2" key="KEY_1"/>
Sample Request in JSON format
  "pageInfo" : null,
  "links" : null,
  "keyValues" : [ {
    "key" : "KEY_1",
    "values" : [ "VALUE_1", "VALUE_2" ]
  } ]

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
namespace namespace template xs:string yes no

Request body content

 The following data representation(s) are supported input types. Click each item to learn more.

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type
No content returned by this method.

POST /internal/resources/groups

Create a new custom group definition. Create custom group with metric key condition

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:group xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
  "resourceKey" : {
    "adapterKindKey" : "CONTAINER",
    "resourceKindKey" : "ENVIRONMENT",
    "resourceIdentifier" : null,
    "links" : null,
    "extension" : null
  "description" : null,
  "membershipDefinition" : {
    "includedResources" : [ ],
    "excludedResources" : [ ],
    "rules" : [ {
      "resourceKindKey" : {
        "resourceKind" : "VirtualMachine",
        "adapterKind" : "VMWARE"
      "attributeRules" : [ ],
      "resourceNameRules" : [ ],
      "relationshipRules" : [ ]
    } ],
    "links" : null
  "links" : null,
  "identifier" : null

Create custom group with property key condition
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:group xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
  "resourceKey" : {
    "adapterKindKey" : "CONTAINER",
    "resourceKindKey" : "ENVIRONMENT",
    "resourceIdentifier" : null,
    "links" : null,
    "extension" : null
  "description" : null,
  "membershipDefinition" : {
    "includedResources" : [ ],
    "excludedResources" : [ ],
    "rules" : [ {
      "resourceKindKey" : {
        "resourceKind" : "VirtualMachine",
        "adapterKind" : "VMWARE"
      "attributeRules" : [ ],
      "resourceNameRules" : [ ],
      "relationshipRules" : [ ]
    } ],
    "links" : null
  "links" : null,
  "identifier" : null

Create custom group with relationship condition
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:group xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
  "resourceKey" : {
    "adapterKindKey" : "CONTAINER",
    "resourceKindKey" : "ENVIRONMENT",
    "resourceIdentifier" : null,
    "links" : null,
    "extension" : null
  "description" : null,
  "membershipDefinition" : {
    "includedResources" : [ ],
    "excludedResources" : [ ],
    "rules" : [ {
      "resourceKindKey" : {
        "resourceKind" : "VirtualMachine",
        "adapterKind" : "VMWARE"
      "attributeRules" : [ ],
      "resourceNameRules" : [ ],
      "relationshipRules" : [ ]
    } ],
    "links" : null
  "links" : null,
  "identifier" : null

Create custom group with resource name condition
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:group xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
  "resourceKey" : {
    "adapterKindKey" : "CONTAINER",
    "resourceKindKey" : "ENVIRONMENT",
    "resourceIdentifier" : null,
    "links" : null,
    "extension" : null
  "description" : null,
  "membershipDefinition" : {
    "includedResources" : [ ],
    "excludedResources" : [ ],
    "rules" : [ {
      "resourceKindKey" : {
        "resourceKind" : "VirtualMachine",
        "adapterKind" : "VMWARE"
      "attributeRules" : [ ],
      "resourceNameRules" : [ ],
      "relationshipRules" : [ ]
    } ],
    "links" : null
  "links" : null,
  "identifier" : null

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

This method does not take any request parameters.

Request body content

 The following data representation(s) are supported input types. Click each item to learn more.

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

POST /internal/resources/groups/static

Create a static group.
As per design the static group can be created only for AdapterKind "Container" and
its ResourceKinds

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
name name of the group query xs:string yes no
adapterKind description of the group. query xs:string yes no
resourceKind description of the group. query xs:string yes no
description description of the group. query xs:string no no
resourceId query xs:uuid yes yes

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

DELETE /internal/resources/groups/{groupId}

Delete a custom group.
NOTE: Custom group definitions created by adapters cannot be deleted.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
groupId identifier of the group. template xs:uuid yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type
No content returned by this method.

POST /internal/resources/groups/{groupId}/excludedResources

Append more resources to the custom groups' excludedResources list.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
resourceId query xs:uuid yes yes
groupId identifier of the group. template xs:uuid yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

GET /internal/resources/bootstrapStatus

Returns bootstrap statuses for given resources

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
id the resource ids of resources of interest query xs:uuid yes yes

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

GET /internal/resources/groups/{groupId}

Retrieve a custom group definition using its identifier.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
groupId identifier of the group. template xs:uuid yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

GET /internal/resources/groups

Query for custom groups based on groupId and whether they are dynamic or static.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
groupId identifier of the group. query xs:uuid no yes

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

GET /internal/resources/groups/{groupId}/members

Get the list of (computed/static) members of the group.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
page Page number from which data needs to be displayed (0-based) query xs:int no no 0
pageSize Expected number of entries per page query xs:int no no 1000
groupId identifier of the group. template xs:uuid yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

POST /internal/resources/groups/{groupId}/includedResources

Append more resources to the custom groups' includedResources list.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
resourceId list of resources that need to be included in the group. query xs:uuid yes yes
groupId identifier of the group. template xs:uuid yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

PUT /internal/resources/merge

Merge data from new to old resource. If new resource does not exist operates as an identity change for the old resource. ResourceKey members are validated using default validation, i.e. can not be blank but it can be shorter than 3 characters in length.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

This method does not take any request parameters.

Request body content

 The following data representation(s) are supported input types. Click each item to learn more.

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type
No content returned by this method.

PUT /internal/resources/groups

Modify an existing custom group definition.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

This method does not take any request parameters.

Request body content

 The following data representation(s) are supported input types. Click each item to learn more.

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

PUT /internal/resources/groups/{groupId}/excludedResources

Replace the list of resources excluded from a group.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
resourceId list of resources to be set as the 'excludedResources' query xs:uuid yes yes
groupId identifier of the group. template xs:uuid yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

PUT /internal/resources/groups/{groupId}/includedResources

Replace the list of resources in the included resources list.

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
resourceId list of resources to be set as the 'includedResources' query xs:uuid yes yes
groupId identifier of the group. template xs:uuid yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

PUT /internal/resources/bootstrapStatus

Sets bootstrap statuses for given resources

Sample Request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:resources-bootstrap-statuses xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ops:resource-bootstrap-status bootstrapStatus="NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_INSTALL_FAILED" resourceId="8e37d5ae-fa7f-42ce-a04a-5dacc09faf0d"/>
    <ops:resource-bootstrap-status bootstrapStatus="AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_STOP_FAILED" resourceId="a1b4a0ac-eb1f-45c7-b9b3-746a73584943"/>
    <ops:resource-bootstrap-status bootstrapStatus="AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_INSTALL_FAILED" resourceId="79fb9648-414a-45aa-8ecf-88b04c2ef3eb"/>
  "resourcesBootstrapStatuses" : [ {
    "resourceId" : "e832322e-eafd-4a66-8479-23441572dab7",
  }, {
    "resourceId" : "a2c54491-929c-41a5-a583-f621166a1fab",
  }, {
    "resourceId" : "576a9661-b892-4afe-b3cf-812ebd6a93db",
  } ]

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

This method does not take any request parameters.

Request body content

 The following data representation(s) are supported input types. Click each item to learn more.

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
200, 404, 500
200 - If the resource bootstrap status was successfully updated in the system
404 - If no resource with the specified identifier.
500 - In case of any error updating the resource bootstrap status
Response type
No content returned by this method.

GET /internal/viewdefinitions/{id}

Returns a view definition based on the id
Examples in XML and JSON format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:viewDefinition id="20d110d4-a6d4-4cc0-bb8d-cbedb524f9ee" type="LIST" xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ops:name>Active alerts</ops:name>
    <ops:description>Alerts that are currently active</ops:description>
  "name" : "Active alerts",
  "description" : "Alerts that are currently active",
  "type" : "LIST",
  "presentationType" : "List",
  "subjects" : null,
  "owner" : "admin",
  "active" : true,
  "links" : null,
  "id" : "20814049-75df-4c7c-85d0-743df9dbdb93"

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
id template xs:uuid yes no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type

GET /internal/viewdefinitions

Return the view definitions based on the view definition query object , if the query is null all views are returned by default
Examples in XML and JSON format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ops:viewDefinitions xmlns:ops="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ops:viewDefinition id="f1f2a2aa-2f11-44f5-8da9-aa45f66dc4a9" type="LIST">
        <ops:name>Active alerts</ops:name>
        <ops:description>Alerts that are currently active</ops:description>
    <ops:viewDefinition id="beaf6123-f8ec-4566-9dfc-4ba1fbd67856" type="LIST">
        <ops:name>Active alerts</ops:name>
        <ops:description>Cluster configuration summary</ops:description>
  "pageInfo" : null,
  "links" : null,
  "viewDefinitions" : [ {
    "name" : "Active alerts",
    "description" : "Alerts that are currently active",
    "type" : "LIST",
    "presentationType" : "List",
    "subjects" : null,
    "owner" : "admin",
    "active" : true,
    "links" : null,
    "id" : "13eaced4-2f59-4e4d-802b-38da20f01906"
  }, {
    "name" : "Active alerts",
    "description" : "Cluster configuration summary",
    "type" : "LIST",
    "presentationType" : "List",
    "subjects" : null,
    "owner" : "admin",
    "active" : true,
    "links" : null,
    "id" : "7497cc0c-4d4c-49b0-be19-a5d4cb0a39c5"
  } ]

Request description about parameters and structure of input data

   The following are request parameters supported by this method
name description style type required repeating default
description description to filter with. query xs:string no no
name view name to filter with. query xs:string no no
owner owner name to filter with. query xs:string no no
type view type to filter with query xs:string no no

Response http response codes, description about schema of return types

HTTP Response Codes
Response type