All the request and response objects are defined below. Each definition includes description about the object itself along with examples and xml schema.


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id id for the action context xs:string no
fields action context fields defined for the action with data populated using the expression where defined (Collection of <ns3:action-context-field> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id id for the action context field xs:string no
name name for the action context field xs:string no
component display component appropriate for action context field xs:string no
input true if user can change the populated value of this field, false otherwise xs:boolean no
displayOrder the order of this field within the list of all action context fields xs:int no
parameterKey the parameter key on the method to which this action context field corresponds xs:string no
hidden true if this action context field may be hidden from display xs:boolean no
expressionResults result of running the expression on each resource, this first resource will be the first value in the list and the second will be the second value, etc (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id The id for the action xs:string yes
displayName The localized name of the action xs:string no
type The type of the action ns3:action-type no
actionAdapterKindKey The kind of the adapter that the action will execute the action xs:string no
contextAdapterKindKey The adapter kind of the context object that the action will be populated with. In other words, the kind of adapter that will be used when populating an action prior to execution. This may be different than the kind of adapter that the action is executed against, or the target resource. xs:string yes
contextResourceKindKey The resource kind of the context object that the action will be populated with. In other words, the kind of resource that will be used when populating an action prior to execution. This may be different than the kind of resource that the action is executed against, or the target resource. xs:string yes
contextIds The ids for the available Action Contexts for this action. Action Contexts are used in multi-step actions, with each id denoting a step in the overall action. Most actions will only have a single step, and this field may be ignored for those. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
canRecommend The canRecommend field specifies if the action can be used in recommendations. This is validated when an action is associated to a recommendation. xs:boolean no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
actionDefinitions The paginated list of actions. (Collection of <ns3:action-definition> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
contextId An optional value naming the action step that will be executed xs:string no
contextResourceId The UUID list of the resource that the action will be performed against (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
parameterGroup The parameters that are used for input to the action being performed (Collection of <ns3:action-parameter-group> ) xs:collection yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id id of the method parameter xs:string no
dataType data type of the method parameter xs:string no
isRequired true if parameter is required, false otherwise xs:boolean no
isList true if the parameter is a list of values, false if not xs:boolean no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceId The resourceId field contains the Resource Id of the object which the action is run against. xs:uuid yes
parameterValue The parameterValues field contains the parameter values associated with this resource. (Collection of <ns3:name-value> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
contextResourceId The UUID list of the resources that the population will be run against (Collection of </> ) xs:collection yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
READ Read Action xs:string no
UPDATE Update Action xs:string no
UNKNOWN Unknown - serves as a means to ensure older clients can talk to newer servers xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceKey Resource key of the adapter instance. ns3:resource-key no
description Optional description of the Adapter instance xs:string no
collectorId The ID of the Collector that manages this adapter instance. xs:int no
collectorGroupId id of the collector group xs:uuid no
credentialInstanceId The Credential Instance identifier used by this adapter instance xs:uuid no
monitoringInterval The Monitoring Interval (in minutes) the Adapter Instance was configured with xs:int no
numberOfMetricsCollected The number of metrics reported by this adapter instance. xs:int no
numberOfResourcesCollected Number of resources being monitored by this resource. xs:int no
lastHeartbeat When was the last time this adapter instance communicated with vRealize Operations Manager Server. xs:date no
lastCollected Last time adapter instance reported collection of resources/stats. xs:date no
messageFromAdapterInstance Any message from the adapter instance. xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
adapter-certificates Any set untrusted certificates returned by the adapter source (Collection of <ns3:certificate> ) xs:collection no
id UUID of the adapter instance xs:uuid no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
adapterInstancesInfoDto The collection of adapter instances (Collection of <ns3:adapter-instance> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key Adapter Kind key.
This identifies an Adapter Kind uniquely in the system.
xs:string yes
name Localized name of the Adapter Kind xs:string no
description Description of the Adapter Kind xs:string no
adapterKindType Adapter Kind Type xs:string yes
describeVersion Adapter's Describe version
This is not the version of the Adapter but the version number in the describe.xml file. For Adapter Kinds that are dynamically created and not based on a describe.xml file, the value will be null
xs:int no
identifiers Adapter Kind identifiers (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
resourceKinds Resource Kinds (keys) defined within this Adapter Kind (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
adapter-kind (Collection of <ns3:adapter-kind> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
agentId xs:string yes
fileLocation xs:string yes
agentBundleFile xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
alertId The UUID of the Alert xs:uuid no
resourceId The UUID of the Resource causing the Alert xs:uuid no
alertLevel The Criticality of the alert ns3:criticality no
type The Alert Type describing the Alert (from CommonConstants.AlertTypeEnum) xs:string no
subType The Alert Sub-type xs:string no
status The Alert status ns3:alert-status no
startTimeUTC The UTC time when the Alert started xs:long no
cancelTimeUTC The UTC time when the Alert was cancelled xs:long no
updateTimeUTC The UTC time when the Alert was updated xs:long no
suspendUntilTimeUTC The UTC time when the suspended Alert will resume xs:long no
controlState The Alert State ns3:alert-control-state no
statKey The stat-key related to the violating alert. The alert may be associated with a stat-key and not have an associated alertDefinitionId if the alert was generated through an external event. xs:string no
ownerId The unique ID for the user account that owns this Alert xs:string no
ownerName The user-name of the user account that owns this Alert xs:string no
alertDefinitionId Identifier of the Alert Definition that defined this Alert xs:string no
alertDefinitionName Localized name of the associated Alert Definition xs:string no
alertImpact Alert impact xs:string no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
alertId The UUID of the Alert xs:uuid yes
contributingSymptoms Contributing Symptoms' details ns3:contributing-symptoms yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
contributingSymptoms (Collection of <ns3:alert-contributing-symptom> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
OPEN Alert is open and no one has taken ownership xs:string no
ASSIGNED Ownership has been taken for the Alert xs:string no
SUSPENDED Alert has been Suspended xs:string no
SUPPRESSED Alert has been Suppressed xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id The unique identifier across the system. Must be null during create. xs:string no
name Name of the Problem Definition xs:string yes
description The description of the problem definition. xs:string no
adapterKindKey The adapter kind key of the Adapter Kind that the Alert Definition applies to xs:string no
resourceKindKey The resource kind key for the Resource Kind that the Alert Definition applies to xs:string no
waitCycles Number of cycles the symptom conditions are true before triggering the problem alert xs:int no
cancelCycles Number of cycles the symptom conditions are false before ending the problem alert xs:int no
type The type of the problem, for the purposes of routing an alert generated by this problem. xs:int no
subType The sub type of the problem, for the purposes of routing an alert generated by this problem. xs:int no
states An Alert Definition state identifies the severity and impact a problem has when the set of Symptom Definition conditions are true. One Alert Definition state per severity . (Collection of <ns3:alert-definition-state> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
impactType Type of Impact ns3:impact-type yes
detail Details for the type of impact xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
severity The severity of this Problem State. Select AUTO to pick the worst severity of all the active symptoms. ns3:criticality no
symptoms The set of symptoms that trigger this problem state ns3:base-symptom-set no
impact The impact of this problem state ns3:alert-definition-impact yes
recommendationPriorityMap A map of recommendation identifiers keyed by recommendation id. A lower priority value indicates higher priority. The priorities are required to start from 1. xs:any no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
alertDefinitions (Collection of <ns3:alert-definition> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
groupId The Alert group ID xs:string no
groupName The Alert group name xs:string no
alertCount The number of Alerts in a group xs:int no
maxCriticalityLevel The criticality level of worst alert xs:int no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
GROUP_BY_ALERT_DEFINITION Group by alert definition xs:string no
GROUP_BY_RESOURCE_KIND Group by resource kind xs:string no
GROUP_BY_CRITICALITY Group by alert criticality xs:string no
GROUP_BY_TIME Group by alert trigger time xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
alertGroups (Collection of <ns3:alert-group> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier of the alert note xs:uuid yes
alertId Identifier of the associated alert xs:uuid yes
creationTimeUTC UTC time when the alert note created xs:long yes
type Type of the alert note ns3:alert-note-type yes
userId Identifier of the user who created the alert note xs:uuid no
userName Name of the user who created the alert note xs:string no
note Content of alert note xs:string yes
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
content alert note content xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
SYSTEM System created Alert Note xs:string no
USER User created Alert Note xs:string no
UNKNOWN xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
compositeOperator Indicates the composition of the filtering criteria.
Either all of the filtering criteria apply together (AND operation) or any of the filtering criteria could be applied (OR operation)
Defaults to AND. Note: backend only supports AND currently
ns3:composite-operator no
creationTimeRange Filter based on matching UTC creation time ns3:time-range no
alertNoteId Filter based on Alert Note identifiers (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
alert-query Return alert notes associated with alerts matching query criteria ns3:alert-query yes
userName Filter based on user names (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
content Filter based on note contents (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier for the Alert Plugin Type xs:string no
description Description for the Alert Plugin Type xs:string no
properties List of Alert Plugin Type Properties (Collection of <ns3:alert-plugin-type-property> ) xs:collection no
rule-properties List of Notification Rule Properties (Collection of <ns3:alert-plugin-type-property> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key Unique identifier or name for the Plugin Property xs:string yes
dataType Datatype for the property value ns3:dataType no
description A description of the property xs:string no
length Optional, the supported length for the property value xs:int no
required True if this field is required for the configuration xs:boolean yes
displayOrder Display order in the UI xs:int no
defaultValue Optional default value for the property xs:string no
enum-values Possible values if the data type is an enum (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
notificationPluginType List of supported Notification Plugin Types (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
compositeOperator Indicates the composition of the filtering criteria.
Either all of the filtering criteria apply together (AND operation) or any of the filtering criteria could be applied (OR operation)
Defaults to AND. Note: backend only supports AND currently
ns3:composite-operator no
alertName Filter based on Alert name using 'contains' logic xs:string no
activeOnly Filter to return only Active alerts, if true query will exclude Suspended and Cancelled Alerts xs:boolean no
alertStatus Filter based on the Alert Status. If looking for only active alerts combined with other filter criteria then use the activeOnly property instead. (Collection of <ns3:alert-status> ) xs:collection no
startTimeRange Filter based on matching UTC start time ns3:time-range no
updateTimeRange Filter based on matching UTC update time ns3:time-range no
cancelTimeRange Filter based on matching UTC cancel time ns3:time-range no
includeChildrenResources True to include alerts generated by child resources xs:boolean no
extractOwnerName Indicates whether need to report alert owner's name in addition to owner's id xs:boolean no
userId Filter based on user id xs:string no
userName Filter based on user name using 'contains' logic xs:string no
resourceKind Filter based on resource kind using 'contains' logic xs:string no
groupingCondition Condition that should be used for grouping ns3:alert-grouping-condition no
groupId Filter based on alert group id xs:string no
alertImpact Filter based on the Alert Impact (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
alertCriticality Filter based on Alert Criticality (Collection of <ns3:criticality> ) xs:collection no
alertControlState Filter based on the Alert Control State (Collection of <ns3:alert-control-state> ) xs:collection no
resource-query Return alarms associated with resources matching query criteria ns3:resource-query no
alertTypeSubtype Filter based on Alert Type (Collection of <ns3:alertTypeMapping> ) xs:collection no
alertId Filter based on Alert identifiers (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
alertDefinitionId Filter based on the Alert definition id (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
NEW Newly created Alert xs:string no
ACTIVE Alert condition still exists xs:string no
UPDATED Alert updated because the conditions for the alert still continue to exist but have changed in some manner xs:string no
CANCELED Alert condition no longer exists xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id System generated alert sub type ID xs:int yes
name Name of the alert sub type xs:string no
description Description of the alert sub type xs:string no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id System generated alert ID xs:int yes
name Name of the alert type xs:string no
description Description of the alert type xs:string no
subTypes List of sub types for this alert type (Collection of <ns3:alert-subtype> ) xs:collection no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
alertTypes (Collection of <ns3:alert-type> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
alerts (Collection of <ns3:alert> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
alertType Type of the alert xs:int no
alertSubTypes Sub Types of the alert. xs:int no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
subtype (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
type xs:int yes



Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
STRING String data type xs:string no
INTEGER Integer data type xs:string no
HOST Host (Machine) data type xs:string no
IP IP Address data type xs:string no
ENUM Enumeration data type xs:string no
PASSWORD Password data type xs:string no
BOOLEAN Boolean data type xs:string no
UNKNOWN Unknown data type xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
STRING String data type xs:string no
INTEGER Integer data type xs:string no
HOST Host (Machine) data type xs:string no
IP IP Address data type xs:string no
ENUM Enumeration data type xs:string no
PASSWORD Password data type xs:string no
BOOLEAN Boolean data type xs:string no
FLOAT Float data type xs:string no
UNKNOWN Unknown data type xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Immutable Identifier of the Auth Source. xs:uuid yes
name Name of the External System. Set by admin when the source is added or imported into vROps.
name and id of a source is unique with the exception that name can be modified as many times as possible by a system admin.
xs:string yes
sourceType Type of the Auth source.
  • LDAP
  • VC
  • VIDM
ns3:auth-sourcetype yes
created When the Auth Source was created/imported? xs:long no
lastModified When the Auth Source was last modified? xs:long no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
certificates Certificate details of the Authentication Source.
Typically this will be present if and only if the Authentication Source enforces SSL (Collection of <ns3:certificate> )
xs:collection no
property Properties of the Authentication Source.
The actual values of the metadata elements relevant for the specific Authentication Source (Collection of <ns3:name-value> )
xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name name of the property xs:string yes
dataType data type of the property ns3:attribute-datatype yes
description description of the property xs:string no
required is property required or not for creating/updating an auth source xs:boolean yes
modifiable can the property be modified during an update operation xs:boolean yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
sources List of Authentication Sources configured in vRealize Operations Manager (Collection of <ns3:auth-source> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id identifier of the source type. xs:string yes
name name of the source type. xs:string yes
description Description about the authentication source type. xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
properties meta data about properties of the authentication source type. ns3:properties no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
sourceTypes Sequence of authentication source types supported by VCOps (Collection of <ns3:auth-sourcetype> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
token Auth token for accesssing future rest API(s) xs:string yes
validity When will the token expire? In milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 xs:long yes
expiresAt When will the token expire in easy to read string representation. xs:string no
roles List of roles the current user has. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
type Type of the Badge ns3:badge-type yes
color Color of the Badge as determined by the system ns3:badge-color yes
score Score (value) associated with the Badge.
This number represents the absolute value of the Badge. Typically the value is between 0-100 but this is not the case all the time.
xs:double yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
GREEN Badge indicates everything is good xs:string no
YELLOW Badge indicates Abnormality xs:string no
ORANGE Badge indicates Degradation xs:string no
RED Bage indicates Bad xs:string no
GREY Badge indicates Unknown xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
ANOMALY xs:string no
COMPLIANCE xs:string no
DENSITY xs:string no
EFFICIENCY xs:string no
FAULT xs:string no
HEALTH xs:string no
RISK xs:string no
STRESS xs:string no
TIME_REMAINING xs:string no
WORKLOAD xs:string no



Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_NO_OPERATION This is the default Application proxy agent installation state when the agent installation/uninstalling operation is not attempted. xs:string no
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is not installed and last attempted operation status is install progress. xs:string no
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_INSTALL_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is not installed and last attempted operation status is install failed. xs:string no
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_UNINSTALL_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is not installed and last attempted operation status is uninstall progress. xs:string no
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_UNINSTALL_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is not installed and last attempted operation status is uninstall failed. xs:string no
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_START_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is not installed and last attempted operation status agent start in progress. xs:string no
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_START_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is not installed and last attempted operation status is agent start failed. xs:string no
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_STOP_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is not installed and last attempted operation status is agent stop in progress. xs:string no
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_STOP_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is not installed and last attempted operation status is agent stop failed. xs:string no
NOT_INSTALLED_AND_AGENT_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is not installed and last attempted operation status is agent uninstall success. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_INSTALL_SUCCESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent install success. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent install in progress. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_INSTALL_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent install failed. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_UNINSTALL_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent uninstall in progress. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_UNINSTALL_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent uninstall failed. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_START_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent start in progress. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_START_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent start failed. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_START_SUCCESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent start success. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_STOP_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent stop in progress. xs:string no
AGENT_RUNNING_AND_AGENT_STOP_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is running and last attempted operation status is agent stop failed. xs:string no
AGENT_STOPPED_AND_AGENT_STOP_SUCCESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is stopped and last attempted operation status is agent stop success. xs:string no
AGENT_STOPPED_AND_AGENT_INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is stopped and last attempted operation status is agent install in progress. xs:string no
AGENT_STOPPED_AND_AGENT_INSTALL_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is stopped and last attempted operation status is agent install failed. xs:string no
AGENT_STOPPED_AND_AGENT_UNINSTALL_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is stopped and last attempted operation status is agent uninstall in progress. xs:string no
AGENT_STOPPED_AND_AGENT_UNINSTALL_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is stopped and last attempted operation status is uninstall failed. xs:string no
AGENT_STOPPED_AND_AGENT_START_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is stopped and last attempted operation status is agent start in progress. xs:string no
AGENT_STOPPED_AND_AGENT_START_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is stopped and last attempted operation status is agent start failed. xs:string no
AGENT_STOPPED_AND_AGENT_STOP_IN_PROGRESS This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is stopped and last attempted operation status is agent start in progress. xs:string no
AGENT_STOPPED_AND_AGENT_STOP_FAILED This value indicates that the Application proxy agent is stopped and last attempted operation status is agent stop failed. xs:string no
UNKNOWN Unknown - serves as a means to ensure older clients can talk to newer servers xs:string no



Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
thumbprint If the source returns an untrusted certificate,this field is used to represent the certificate guid xs:string no
certificateDetails If the source returns an untrusted certificate,this field is used to represent certificate details xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of the Collector xs:string no
state State of the Collector
Whether it is running properly or lost communication with the Controller.
ns3:collector-state no
hostName Host name or IP address of the machine on which this Collector is Running xs:string no
local Whether this Collector is a Local Collector or a Remote one xs:boolean yes
lastHeartbeat When was the last time this Collector communicated with vRealize Operations Manager Server. xs:date no
adapterInstanceIds List of Adapter Instances managed by this Collector (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
id Unique identifier of the Collector
This uniquely identifies a Collector in the system.
xs:string yes
nodeIdentifier Identifier of the Node on which the Collector is running
xs:uuid yes
uuId UUID of the Collector
xs:uuid yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier of the Collector Group.This is system generated during the creation time. xs:uuid yes
name Name of the Collector Group. This uniquely identifier a Collector Group in the system but is user specified and mutable. xs:string yes
description Description of the Collector Group xs:string no
systemDefined Is the Collector group system defined? This is a Read Only attribute and is set by the system. xs:boolean no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
collectorId Set of Collector IDs that belong to a Collector Group (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
collectorGroups List of Collector Groups (Collection of <ns3:collector-group> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
DOWN xs:string no
UP xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
collector (Collection of <ns3:collector> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
EQ xs:string no
NOT_EQ xs:string no
LIKE xs:string no
LT xs:string no
GT xs:string no
LT_EQ xs:string no
GT_EQ xs:string no
IN xs:string no
NOT_IN xs:string no
EXISTS xs:string no
CONTAINS xs:string no
STARTS_WITH xs:string no
ENDS_WITH xs:string no
NOT_STARTS_WITH xs:string no
NOT_ENDS_WITH xs:string no
NOT_CONTAINS xs:string no
REGEX xs:string no
NOT_REGEX xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
AND xs:string no
OR xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
PERCENT A certain percentage of resources. Requires additional parameters - comparison operator (<, >, ==, <=, >=) and an integer value xs:string no
COUNT A certain number of resources. Requires additional parameters - comparison operator (<, >, ==, <=, >=) and an integer value xs:string no
ANY One or more resources xs:string no
ALL All objects xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
operator logical AND/OR operator for the symptom references ns3:composite-operator no
symptom-sets The collection of symptom references to logically join (Collection of <ns3:base-symptom-set> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
symptomId The UUID that identifies the Symptom xs:uuid yes
symptomSetId The id of symptom set to which symptom belongs xs:string no
symptomDefinitionsIds The Symptom Definitions describing the violated rule for this Symptom (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
contributingSymptoms (Collection of <ns3:contributing-symptom> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of the Adapter instance xs:string no
description Optional description of the Adapter instance xs:string no
collectorId The Collector instance used by this adapter instance xs:string no
collectorGroupId The Collector Group ID to be used for this Adapter Instance xs:uuid no
adapterKindKey The Adapter Kind key xs:string yes
credential Adapter instance specific Credential information. ns3:credential no
resourceIdentifiers Adapter instance specific resource identifiers (Collection of <ns3:name-value> ) xs:collection no
monitoringInterval Monitoring Interval of the Adapter Instance (value is specified in minutes) xs:int no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Credential Instance identifier.
This should be null for credential instance creation requests and must have a value for all other requests.
xs:uuid no
name The name of the Credential xs:string yes
adapterKindKey The Adapter Kind key of the Credential xs:string yes
credentialKindKey The Credential Kind of the Credential xs:string yes
fields Collection of name,value pairs that capture the Credential specific data (Collection of <ns3:name-value> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
credentialInstances List of Credential Instances (Collection of <ns3:credential> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name The name of the Credential Type xs:string yes
adapterKindKey The Adapter Kind key for the Credential Type xs:string yes
fields (Collection of <ns3:credential-kind-type> ) xs:collection no
id The Credential Type identifier xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key The key xs:string yes
defaultValue The default value xs:string no
valueType The value type for the field xs:string no
required Flag if the field is required xs:boolean no
enumerated Flag if the field is enumerated xs:boolean no
enumeratedValues List of possible enumerated values (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
credentialTypes (Collection of <ns3:credential-kind> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UNKNOWN xs:string no
NONE xs:string no
INFORMATION xs:string no
WARNING xs:string no
IMMEDIATE xs:string no
CRITICAL xs:string no
AUTO xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of this currency in a current locale. xs:string yes
code ISO 4217 currency code for this currency. xs:string yes
numericCode ISO 4217 numeric code for this currency. xs:string yes
symbol Symbol corresponding to this currency. xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
values A list of Custom Groups (Collection of <ns3:group> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
STATIC xs:string no
DYNAMIC xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UNSPECIFIED xs:string no
STRING xs:string no
BOOLEAN xs:string no
PASSWORD xs:string no
INTEGER xs:string no
ENUM xs:string no



Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UNKNOWN xs:string no
SUNDAY xs:string no
MONDAY xs:string no
TUESDAY xs:string no
WEDNESDAY xs:string no
THURSDAY xs:string no
FRIDAY xs:string no
SATURDAY xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key The StatKey for the dynamic threshold xs:string no
operator The dynamic operator ns3:dynamicOperator no
instanced The instance group xs:boolean no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
begin The beginning date as a long value of the range of stats to return
Value measures the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
xs:long no
end The ending date as a long value of the range of stats to return
long value is number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
xs:long no
showSmooth indicates whether stats should be smoothened or not. default value is true xs:boolean no
smoothFactor the smooth precision, default value is 2.0 xs:double no
statKeys Collection of StatKeys for which Stats and DT values need to be retrieved xs:string yes
resourceIds Collection of Resource identifiers for which Stats and DT values need to be retrieved xs:uuid yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key The SuperMetric Id for the dynamic threshold xs:string no
operator The dynamic operator ns3:dynamicOperator no
instanced The instance group xs:boolean no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
linear xs:string no
common xs:string no
cusum xs:string no
noise xs:string no
sparse xs:string no
multinomial xs:string no
abnormalitydegree xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
DT_ABOVE xs:string no
DT_BELOW xs:string no
DT_ABNORMAL xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier of this template.
Automatically generated by the system on Create.
xs:string yes
name Name of this template. xs:string yes
html Is the template HTML or plain text? xs:boolean yes
template The template body. xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
alertType Type of the Alert xs:int yes
alertSubType Sub Type of the Alert xs:int yes
alertStatus Status of the alert. ns3:alert-status yes
emailAddress Email address of the Sender xs:string yes



Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
emailTemplateList A Collection of Email Templates (Collection of <ns3:email-template> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
endpoint A specific top-level API endpoint URI.
E.g.: "/api/resources", "/api/alerts"
xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
endPoints The collection of API endpoint URIs. (Collection of <ns3:endpoint> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
keyValues A Collection of KeyValuesEntry objects (Collection of <ns3:entry> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key Key of the (Key,Value) Pair xs:string yes
values Collection of the Values associated with the Key (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
message xs:string yes
inputBodyLocation ns3:inputBodyLocation no
validationFailures (Collection of <ns3:validationFailure> ) xs:collection no
moreInformation (Collection of <ns3:name-value> ) xs:collection no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
apiErrorCode xs:int no
httpStatusCode xs:int no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
eventType The type of the event. Different event types have different required fields. ns3:event-type yes
resourceId The id of the resource for the event xs:uuid yes
startTimeUTC The start time for the event in UTC.
This time must be after >= 946684800000L, or January 1, 2000. Default is 946684800000L.
Value is ignored for Change events.
xs:long no
cancelTimeUTC Indicates that an event has been cancelled. For an externally managed event a new event with the same message value must be sent with a cancelTime in order to cancel the event. xs:long no
message Event message, the message identifies the event in the system. xs:string yes
severity The severity of a system degradation event ns3:criticality no
key The StatKey for the condition of the HardThreshold event xs:string no
htType The type of hard threshold violation ns3:hard-threshold-event-type no
value The current value (not the expected value) of the metric for the HardThreshold event xs:double no
keyIndicator Whether the HardThreshold event is a key performance indicator
True indicates it is a KPI. False otherwise.
xs:boolean no
managedExternally If set to true, this event shall persist across collection cycles until another event is pushed to change the status
If set to false, this event will be cancelled during the next collection cycle if it is not pushed again
xs:boolean no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
CHANGE Change Event
Valid for Event and MessageEventCondition
xs:string no
NOTIFICATION Notification Event
Valid for Event and MessageEventCondition
xs:string no
RESOURCE_DOWN A Resource Down Event
Valid for Event and MessageEventCondition
xs:string no
SYSTEM_DEGRADATION A System Degradation Event
Valid for Event and MessageEventCondition
xs:string no
AVAILABILITY_DOWN An Availability Event
Valid for MessageEventCondition
xs:string no
AVAILABILITY_EXCEPTION An Availability Exception Event
Valid for MessageEventCondition
xs:string no
AVAILABILITY_NOT_COLLECTING An Availability Event where Data Collection is not happening
Valid for MessageEventCondition
xs:string no
HARD_THRESHOLD A Hard Threshold Event
Paired with the HardThresholdEventType enumeration.
Valid for Event and MetricEventCondition (note MetricEventCondition implicitly uses this value)
xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
event The list instance (Collection of <ns3:event> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
anyAttributes Attributes of the extension object. xs:any no
anyObjects List of objects contained by this extension. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
faultKey The fault condition faultKey matches the Fault Event's FaultState xs:string yes
faultEvents The list of fault faultEvents that we are interested in tracking.
The symptom definition this condition is part of will be triggered if any of the fault faultEvents occurred. (Collection of </> )
xs:collection yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
latitude Latitude of the location. xs:double no
longitude Longitude of the location. xs:double no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
global-setting-property list of global setting properties (Collection of <ns3:global-settings-property> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of the global setting xs:string yes
defaultValue Default value of the global setting xs:string yes
dataType Data type of the global setting ns3:attribute-datatype yes
unit Unit of measurement xs:string no
minValue Min value of the global setting (if dataType is NUMBER) xs:long no
maxValue Max value of the global setting (if dataType is NUMBER) xs:long no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceKey resource key for the custom group. ns3:resource-key no
description description for the given group. xs:string no
membershipDefinition Membership definition for this group. ns3:group-membership-defn no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
identifier Identifier of this custom group xs:uuid no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
includedResources List of resources to include in the given group. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
excludedResources List of resources to exclude from the given group. This property is useful when the group membership is dynamic and you want to explicitly exclude certain set of resources even if they are selected by the rule engine. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
rules List of custom group rules if the membership is dynamic. (Collection of <ns3:rule-group> ) xs:collection no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
RESOURCE xs:string no
STATKEY xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
EQUAL Current value is equal to an expected value (equivalent to EVENT_SUBCLASS_EQUAL) xs:string no
NOT_EQUAL Current value is not equal to an expected value (equivalent to EVENT_SUBCLASS_NOT_EQUAL) xs:string no
ABOVE Current value is above an expected value (equivalent to EVENT_SUBCLASS_ABOVE) xs:string no
BELOW Current value is below an expected value (equivalent to EVENT_SUBCLASS_BELOW) xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key The StatKey for the condition xs:string yes
operator The operator for the condition ns3:compare-operator yes
value The static value of the condition xs:string no
valueType Type of condition value: numeric or string. Type value also controls the type of comparison operators that are applicable ns3:valueTypeEnum yes
instanced The instance group xs:boolean yes
settingValue The setting value xs:string no
targetKey A target StatKey to compare the values between two metrics. Required for metric or property threshold type conditions xs:string no
thresholdType The type of threshold comparison for the right-hand side of the condition: static, metric or property. ns3:threshold-type yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key The super metric key xs:string no
operator The operator for the condition ns3:compare-operator no
value The value of the condition xs:double no
instanced The instance group xs:boolean no
settingValue The setting value xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
BADGE xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
lineNumber xs:int no
columnNumber xs:int no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
INSTANCED xs:string no
AGGREGATED xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
intervalType ns3:intervalType no
quantifier xs:int no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
HOURS xs:string no
MINUTES xs:string no
SECONDS xs:string no
DAYS xs:string no
WEEKS xs:string no
MONTHS xs:string no
YEARS xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
currentOnly Indicates whether to report only "current" stat values, i.e. skip the stat-s that haven't published any value during recent collection cycles. xs:boolean no
maxSamples The maximum number of samples to return when querying latest stats.
Defaults to 1 so that when processing the query if it is omitted the response would contain a single sample
xs:int no
metrics Indicates whether specified statKey-s of query should be forcibly treated as metrics (does not include instanced stats) xs:boolean no
resourceId Array of Resource ids to fetch the latest stats for xs:uuid no
statKey Array of stat keys to return the latest stats for xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
NOT_LICENSED xs:string no
FOUNDATION xs:string no
STANDARD xs:string no
ADVANCED xs:string no
ENTERPRISE xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
description xs:string no
href The url part of this tag. Note that the href can be absolute or relative to the current url.
If the href begins with '/', then its absolute.
If the href begins with the protocol element(http, https), its absolute
Otherwise its relative.
xs:string yes
name xs:string no
rel How is this link related to its parent object. ns3:linkRelation no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
NEXT Used to represent the next page accessible using this url xs:string no
PREVIOUS Used to represent the previous page accessible using this url xs:string no
START Used to represent the first page accessible using this url xs:string no
END Used to represent the last page accessible using this url xs:string no
RELATED Used to represent that this link points to an object related to the link's parent xs:string no
SELF Used to represent that this link points to more information of the link's parent tag/object xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
language xs:string yes
longDescription (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
shortDescription (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier generated by the server for this schedule. xs:uuid no
key Schedule key provided by user. Cannot be null during creation. xs:string yes
schedule Schedule information. ns3:schedule yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
schedules Collection of maintenance schedules (Collection of <ns3:maintenance-schedule> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
newResourceId The resource UUID of the new resource A value must be specified for either newResourceKey or newResourceId. If both Id and Key are specified then they must refer to the same resource. xs:uuid no
newResourceKey The resource key of the new resource. A value must be specified for either newResourceKey or newResourceId. If both Id and Key are specified then they must refer to the same resource. ns3:resource-key no
oldResourceId The resource UUID of the old resource A value must be specified for either oldResourceKey or oldResourceId. If both Id and Key are specified then they must refer to the same resource. xs:uuid no
oldResourceKey The resource key of the old resource. A value must be specified for either oldResourceKey or oldResourceId. If both Id and Key are specified then they must refer to the same resource. ns3:resource-key no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceMergeRequests The list of resource merge requests (Collection of <ns3:merge-resources-request> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
eventType Event type of the Symptom may either be EventType enumerations of RESOURCE_DOWN, SYSTEM_DEGRADATION, NOTIFICATION, or CHANGE ns3:event-type no
message The message is the string that the event's message must
  • either match exactly if operator is CompareOperator.EQ
  • be a substring if operator is CompareOperator.CONTAINS NOTE: Also in this case the message must be 3-128 characters long and the symptom from the event must be IN the message
xs:string no
operator Must be either CompareOperator.EQ or CompareOperator.CONTAINS.
Default is
ns3:compare-operator no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
hardThresholdEventType The Hard Threshold type for a metric event condition ns3:hard-threshold-event-type yes
statKey this is the Metric Key value xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
compareOperator comparison operator, can be one among EQ, NOT_EQ, LT, GT, CONTAINS ns3:compare-operator no
stringValue string value of the attribute xs:string no
doubleValue double value of the attribute xs:double no
key name of the attribute xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name xs:string no
value xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
nameValuePairs (Collection of <ns3:name-value> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
status Overall Status of the application services on the Node xs:string yes
details An optional message field that provides details especially in case of errors xs:string no
systemTime System time (epoch) xs:long yes
humanlyReadableSystemTime System time (human readable format) xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pluginTypeId The plugin type identifier xs:string no
pluginId The Plugin Id, cannot be null during update operations. xs:uuid no
name A name for the configuration xs:string yes
description A description for the configuration xs:string no
version A read-only version identifier. This value will be returned after getting an existing configuration. And the correct value is necessary to update an existing configuration. xs:long no
enabled A read-only property whose value is set by the system. xs:boolean no
configValues A list of name value pairs for Plugin configuration (Collection of <ns3:name-value> ) xs:collection no
certificates Any set untrusted certificates returned by the adapter source (Collection of <ns3:certificate> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
notificationPluginInstances (Collection of <ns3:notification-plugin> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier of this rule, automatically assigned by the system on create. xs:uuid no
name Name of this rule xs:string yes
pluginId Identifier of the plugin for which this rule applies. xs:string no
alertControlStates Set of Alert control states that the alert is expected to be in. (Collection of <ns3:alert-control-state> ) xs:collection no
alertStatuses Set of Alert states that the alert is expected to be in. (Collection of <ns3:alert-status> ) xs:collection no
criticalities Set of Alert criticalities that the alert is expected to be in. (Collection of <ns3:criticality> ) xs:collection no
resourceKindFilter Filter for the rule to be matched based on the Resource Kind for which the alert was generated. ns3:resourceKindFilter no
resourceFilter Filter for the rule to be matched based on the "Resource and its Children" for which the Alerts were generated. ns3:resourceFilter no
alertTypeFilters Filter for the rule to match Alerts which are of the specified Alert type & Alert Subtypes. (Collection of <ns3:alertTypeFilter> ) xs:collection no
alertDefinitionIdFilters Filter for the rule to match Alerts that got generated because of specific Alert Definitions. ns3:str-values no
alertImpactFilters Filter for the rule to match Alerts that have a specific Impact (Health, Risk or Efficiency).
One or more of the String values - "HEALTH", "RISK", "EFFICIENCY" - must be specified.
ns3:str-values no
properties Properties associated with the given rule. This may include information such as the email addresses of receivers/etc... (Collection of <ns3:name-value> ) xs:collection no
collectorUUId Filter for the rule to match Alerts triggered on resources belonging to given collector.
xs:string no
collectorGroupId Filter for the rule to match Alerts triggered on resources belonging to given collector group.
xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
rules List of Notification Rules (Collection of <ns3:notification-rule> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
value The numeric property value xs:double no
settingValue The setting value xs:string no
targetKey A target StatKey to compare the values between two metrics. Required for metric or property threshold type conditions. xs:string no
key The StatKey for the condition xs:string yes
operator The operator for the condition ns3:compare-operator no
thresholdType The type of threshold comparison for right-hand side of the condition: static, metric or property. ns3:threshold-type yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
totalCount Total number of results xs:int no
page The current page number. xs:int no
pageSize Number of entries allowed in a page. xs:int no
sortBy A CSV list of field names. Usually found in an enumeration, for example xs:string no
sortOrder A CSV list of values. If not specified or if list shorter than sortFields then SortOrder.ASCENDING is assumed. xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
currentPassword Old Password xs:string yes
newPassword New Password xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id the key of the populated action xs:string yes
actionContext the action context information for the populated action ns3:action-context no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
resourceId the resource ids that apply to the populated action (Collection of </> ) xs:collection yes
methodParameters the parameters for the method that was populated (Collection of <ns3:action-parameter> ) xs:collection no
action-execution a sample of information needed to submit the action with default values ns3:action-execution no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key The key that uniquely identifies the privilege. xs:string yes
name The name of the Privilege. xs:string no
description The description of the Privilege. xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key The key that uniquely identifies the privilege group. xs:string yes
name The name of the Privilege group. xs:string no
description The description of the Privilege group. xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
privilegeGroups user privilege list. (Collection of <ns3:privilege-group> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
privilege-key Privilege key list. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
privileges user privilege list. (Collection of <ns3:privilege> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
property list of auth source type properties (Collection of <ns3:auth-source-property> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceIds Array of resource ids to fetch the properties for xs:uuid yes
propertyKeys Array of property keys to fetch the latest values for xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
compareOperator comparison operator, can be one among EQ, NOT_EQ, LT, GT, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS ns3:compare-operator no
stringValue string value of the attribute xs:string no
doubleValue double value of the attribute xs:double no
key name of the attribute xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
statKey Stat Key for which the data is being posted xs:string yes
timestamps The array of timestamps at which the data is being posted xs:long yes
data The numeric data that is being posted (optional) xs:double no
values The string values that are being posted (optional) xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
property-content (Collection of <ns3:property-content> ) xs:collection no



Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id The recommendation id. Must be null during creation (System generated identifier) xs:string no
description The description for the recommendation xs:string yes
action An optional recommended action to associate with the recommendation ns3:recommended-action no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
recommendations A Collection of Recommendations (Collection of <ns3:recommendation> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
targetMethod Name of the remediation action that needs to be performed on the resource
An example could be a few of the VM lifecycle operations viz. "shutdown", "reset" etc.
xs:string yes
targetAdapterKindId The Adapter Kind for which this Recommended Action is applicable.
An example could be the Out-of-the-box VC Adapter Kind ID viz. "VMWARE"
xs:string yes
actionAdapterKindId The Adapter Kind that defined this Recommended Action
An example could be the Out-of-the-box Remediation Adapter Kind ID
xs:string yes
targetResourceKindId Resource Kind of the Adapter Kind targetAdapterKindId on which this Recommended Action is applicable.
For certain recommended actions, this can be null.
The system supports a scenario where the Recommended Action is only associated with targetAdapterKindId only.
An example could be the Out-of-the-box VC Resource Kind ID viz. "VirtualMachine"
xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
relation type of relationship ns3:relationship-type yes
name name of the resource (can contain part of the resource name as well, in case compareOperator is CONTAINS) xs:string yes
compareOperator comparison operator, can be one among EQ, NOT_EQ, CONTAINS ns3:compare-operator yes
traversalSpecId Id of the traversal spec xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
PARENT Parent relationship - "parents" xs:string no
CHILD Child relationship - "children" xs:string no
CONTAINS Contains relationship - "contains" xs:string no
CONTAINED_BY Contained by relationship - "contained-by" xs:string no
REFERENCES References relationship - "references" xs:string no
REFERENCED_BY Referenced by relationship - "referenced-by" xs:string no
USES Uses relationship - "uses"
Equivalent to dependency.
xs:string no
USED_BY Used by relationship - "used-by"
Equivalent to .
xs:string no
SELF Self relationship, a link to the same object - "self" xs:string no
DESCENDANT Descendant relationship - "descendant" xs:string no
ANCESTOR Ancestor relationship = "ancestor" xs:string no
TST Traversal Spec Type relationship - "tst" xs:string no
ALL The catch-all element that represents all types of relationships xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier of the Report. xs:string no
name Name of the Report. xs:string no
description Description of the Report. xs:string no
resourceId Resource identifier for which the Report needs to be generated. xs:uuid yes
reportDefinitionId Identifier of the Report Definition used to generate this Report. xs:uuid yes
traversalSpec The traversal spec for which the Report Definition needs to be applied. ns3:traversal-spec no
owner Owner (user) who created/executed the Report Generation. xs:string no
completionTime Time when the Report Generation completed. xs:string no
status Status of Report Generation - whether the Report got generated successfully or not. xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
subject Subjects of the Report. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier of the Report Definition xs:string yes
name Name of the Report Definition xs:string yes
description Description of the Report Definition xs:string no
creationTime Creation time of the Report Definition xs:date yes
lastRunTime Last Run time of the Report Definition xs:date no
active Whether the Report Definition is Active or not. xs:boolean no
owner Owner of the Report Definition xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
traversal-specs Traversal Specs applicable for the Report Definition ns3:traversal-specs no
subject Subjects of the Report Definition (Collection of </> ) xs:collection yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
reportDefinitions The Collection of Report Definitions (Collection of <ns3:report-definition> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id UUID of the schedule xs:uuid yes
reportDefinitionId Report Definition identifier xs:uuid yes
traversalSpec Traversal spec used for evaluating the set of Resources for which the Report will be generated. This is used in conjunction with the report definition that will used when creating the Report Schedule ns3:traversal-spec no
startDate Starting time when the Report Schedule comes into effect xs:string no
weekOfMonth The week of the month of this Report Schedule, if the schedule of recurrence is monthly ns3:weekOfMonth no
reportScheduleType The type of schedule - MONTHLY, WEEKLY etc. ns3:reportScheduleType no
daysOfTheWeek The days of the week this Schedule repeats - SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY etc. ns3:dayOfTheWeek no
startHour The hour of the day when the Schedule runs xs:int no
recurrence Indicates the recurrence period of the Schedule xs:int no
dayOfTheMonth Day of the month. xs:int no
emailAddresses Comma separated Email addresses of the recipients for the Report xs:string no
relativePath Network file share folder names where the reports should be stored xs:string no
resourceId Resource identifiers for which the schedule will be created. Currently we support Schedules for a single Resource. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
reportSchedules The Collection of Report schedules (Collection of <ns3:report-schedule> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
reports The Collection of Resources (Collection of <ns3:report> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UNKNOWN Unknown - serves as a means to ensure older clients can talk to newer servers xs:string no
WEEKLY Weekly Report Schedule xs:string no
MONTHLY Monthly Report Schedule xs:string no
YEARLY Yearly Report Schedule xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
description Description of the Resource xs:string no
creationTime Time the Resource was created in the system. xs:long yes
resourceKey Resource key of the Resource. ns3:resource-key yes
credentialInstanceId Credential instance identifier assigned to this Resource xs:uuid no
geoLocation Geographical location of the resource. ns3:geo-location no
resourceStatusStates The resource status and resource state for this resource as reported by one or more adapter instances (Collection of <ns3:resource-status-state> ) xs:collection yes
resourceHealth Health of the Resource. ns3:resource-health yes
resourceHealthValue Resource Health Score. xs:double yes
dtEnabled DT calculation enabled or not. By default DT calculation for a resource is enabled (during its creation). xs:boolean no
monitoringInterval The Monitoring Interval (in minutes) the Resource was configured with xs:int no
badges The various major and minor badges and their values for a Resource. (Collection of <ns3:badge> ) xs:collection no
relatedResources Collection of related resource identifiers (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
identifier Identifier of the Resource (typically a UUID). xs:uuid yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceId the resource id xs:uuid yes
bootstrapStatus the resource bootstrap status ns3:bootstrap-status yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
NONE initial status of resource xs:string no
ERROR error happened while collecting data xs:string no
UNKNOWN resource status is unknown xs:string no
DOWN resource is down xs:string no
DATA_RECEIVING data receiving xs:string no
OLD_DATA_RECEIVING old data receiving xs:string no
NO_DATA_RECEIVING no data receiving xs:string no
NO_PARENT_MONITORING no parent adapter instance resource is monitoring xs:string no
COLLECTOR_DOWN collector is down xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
GREEN health is good xs:string no
YELLOW health is abnormal xs:string no
ORANGE health is degraded xs:string no
RED health is bad xs:string no
GREY health is unknown xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
identifierType Resource Identifier Configuration ns3:resource-identifier-type yes
value Resource Identifier Value xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of the identifier xs:string yes
dataType Data type for the identifier
By default the data type of the value of a resource identifier is assumed to be a String
ns3:attribute-datatype no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
isPartOfUniqueness True if this ResourceIdentifier is used to uniquely identify the Resource in the system
By default the resource identifier is considered to be part of uniqueness
xs:boolean no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of the Resource xs:string no
adapterKindKey Adapter Kind to which the resource belongs to xs:string yes
resourceKindKey Resource Kind to which the resource belongs to xs:string yes
resourceIdentifiers A collection of Resource Identifiers.
A Resource Identifier is a key,value pair that encapsulates the identity of the resource (Collection of <ns3:resource-identifier> )
xs:collection no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key Resource Kind identifier xs:string yes
name Localized name of the Resource Kind xs:string no
localizations Localized names of the Resource Kind for all localizations (Collection of <ns3:localization> ) xs:collection no
adapterKind The Adapter Kind to which this Resource Kind belongs to xs:string yes
adapterKindName Localized name of the Adapter Kind to which this Resource Kind belongs to xs:string no
resourceIdentifierTypes Resource identifiers associated with this Resource Kind (Collection of <ns3:resource-identifier-type> ) xs:collection no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
resourceKindType The Category to which the Resource Kind belongs to ns3:resource-kind-category no
resourceKindSubType The Sub Category to which the Resource Kind belongs to ns3:resource-kind-sub-category no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key The attribute key xs:string yes
name The localized name of the attribute xs:string no
localizations Localized names of the attribute for all localizations (Collection of <ns3:localization> ) xs:collection no
description A description for the attribute xs:string no
defaultMonitored True if the attribute is monitored by default xs:boolean no
instanceType The instance type of the attribute ns3:instanceType no
unit The unit of the attribute xs:string no
unitLocalizations Localized names of the unit for all localizations (Collection of <ns3:localization> ) xs:collection no
dataType Deprecated, will be removed after couple of releases. Please use dataType2 instead
The data type of the attribute
ns3:attribute-datatype yes
dataType2 The data type of the attribute ns3:attribute-datatype2 yes
monitoring The monitoring flag for the attribute xs:boolean no
property True if attribute is a property xs:boolean yes
rollupType The roll up type of the attribute ns3:rollUpType no
dtSubType The dynamic threshold sub type ns3:dTSubtype no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceTypeAttributes (Collection of <ns3:resource-kind-attribute> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
GENERAL General Resource Kind Category xs:string no
BUSINESS_SERVICE Business Service Resource Kind Category xs:string no
TIER Application Tier Resource Kind Category xs:string no
TAG Tag Resource Kind Category xs:string no
ADAPTER_INSTANCE Adapter Instance Resource Kind Category xs:string no
GROUP Group Resource Kind Category TODO: Find out if this is related to Custom Groups? xs:string no
NONE Resource Kind Category indicating None. xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceKind xs:string no
adapterKind xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
GEO Geo Resource Kind Sub Category xs:string no
ENTERPRISE Enterprise Resource Kind Sub Category xs:string no
GROUP_RULES_MANAGED Resource Kind Sub Category indicating a rules managed group type. xs:string no
GROUP_ADAPTER_MANAGED Resource Kind Sub Category indicating a adapter managed group type. xs:string no
GROUP_WORLD Resource Kind Sub Category indicating a adapter managed group type. xs:string no
NONE Resource Kind Sub Category indicating None. xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
adapterKind Adapter Kind the resource kinds are part of xs:string yes
resource-kind List of Resource Kinds (Collection of <ns3:resource-kind> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name name of the resource (can contain part of the resource name as well, in case compareOperator is CONTAINS or NOT_CONTAINS) xs:string yes
compareOperator comparison operator, can be one among EQ, NOT_EQ, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS ns3:compare-operator yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourcePropertiesList (Collection of <ns3:resource-property> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceId The resource id xs:uuid no
property The list of Property name/value pairs (Collection of <ns3:name-value> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceId the resource id xs:uuid yes
properties the property values of the resource ns3:property-contents no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Array of resource names to query for. NOTE: Currently, only single element supported xs:string no
regex Array of resource names in java regex format. NOTE: regex and name are mutually exclusive. If both are specified, name is given preference. xs:string no
adapterKind Array of Adapter Kind keys xs:string no
resourceKind Array of Resource Kind keys xs:string no
collectorName Array of Collector names xs:string no
collectorId Array of Collector Identifiers xs:int no
maintenanceScheduleId Array of that identify Maintenance Schedules.
Since vROps 6.1.0 release onwards, we don't support search and look up of Resources using Maintenance Schedules' identifiers.
xs:uuid no
adapterInstanceId Array of that identify Adapter Instances xs:uuid no
recentlyAdded Return resources created after the specified value. Value is the number of seconds since Midnight January 1, 1970 GMT. xs:long no
resourceState Array of ns3:resource-state no
resourceStatus Array of ns3:resource-data-collection-status no
resourceHealth Array of ns3:resource-health no
parentId Array of UUID of object that are the parent resource in a parent child relationship. xs:uuid no
credentialId Array of that identify Credentials xs:uuid no
resourceId Resource identifiers. xs:uuid no
propertyName Name of property. Query only supports filtering for a single property. xs:string no
propertyValue Value of property named by . Omitting the will check for existence of the on the resource. NOTE: Use 'propertyConditions' to specify lookup of Resource using multiple properties. xs:string no
statKey Name of resource StatKey to validate value is within a range.
Use with , and to create comparison conditions NOTE: Use 'statConditions' to specify lookup of Resource using multiple stat keys.
xs:string no
statKeyLowerBound StatKey value matching range lower bound xs:double no
statKeyUpperBound StatKey value matching range upper bound xs:double no
statKeyInclusive Filtering by statKey values is inclusive or exclusive of boundary values. Defaults to true xs:boolean no
propertyConditions property conditions query to be used for filtering ns3:stat-or-property-condition-query no
statConditions stat conditions query to be used for filtering ns3:stat-or-property-condition-query no
includeRelated None null value specifies to include related resource ids of given relationship type in resource result. Uses the RelationshipType.representation value.
Allowed values are: PARENT, CHILD.
ns3:relationship-type no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
relationshipType relationship type to the target collection. ns3:relationship-type no
resourceList list of resources having relation. (Collection of <ns3:resource> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resource Resource info. ns3:resource yes
relatedResources Identifiers of query Resources to which the above Resource is related. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection yes
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
relationshipType The relationship type of the resources to be extracted. Uses the RelationshipType.representation value.
ns3:relationship-type yes
resourceIds Resource uuids to get the related resources for. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection yes
resourceQuery Extra filtering criteria for resources to be extracted. ns3:resource-query no
hierarchyDepth Relation hierarchy depth. Used with relationship types DESCENDANT, ANCESTOR and ALL. Defaults to 10. xs:int no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
PROPAGATE Select a resource and all descendant resources. xs:string no
UNPROPAGATE Neither select a resource nor any of its descendant resources. xs:string no
SPECIFIC Only select a specific resource and none of its descendant resources. xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
STOPPED Resource is not collecting xs:string no
STARTING Starting resource collection xs:string no
STARTED Resource is collecting xs:string no
STOPPING Stopping resource collection xs:string no
UPDATING Updating resource configuration xs:string no
FAILED Resource task failed xs:string no
MAINTAINED Resource is in auto maintenance xs:string no
MAINTAINED_MANUAL Resource is in manual maintenance xs:string no
REMOVING Resource is being removed xs:string no
NOT_EXISTING Non-existing resource xs:string no
NONE Resource not associated with an adapter instance.
Only used for querying orphaned resources. Mutually exclusive from other values defined in this enum.
xs:string no
UNKNOWN Unknown - serves as a means to ensure older clients can talk to newer servers xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
adapterInstanceId The Adapter Instance identifier associated with the status and state xs:uuid no
resourceStatus The resource data collection status ns3:resource-data-collection-status no
resourceState The resource state ns3:resource-state no
statusMessage A human readable status message xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceId Id of the resource that should be matched against the generated alert. xs:uuid no
matchResourceIdOnly Deprecated, will be removed after couple of releases. Please use relationship instead.
If set to true, the rule engine does not evaluate the resource's children. Default value is: false.
NOTE: If set to true, childrenResourceKindFilters has to be empty.
xs:boolean no
childrenResourceKindFilters If matchResourceIdOnly is set to false, this set allows the system to further filter children based on their Resource Kind keys. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
relationship Specifies whether the rule engine need to evaluate only the resource itself, its direct children or all descendants. Acceptable values are: SELF, CHILD, DESCENDANT. Default value is: DESCENDANT.
NOTE: If set to SELF, childrenResourceKindFilters has to be empty.
ns3:relationship-type no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceKind Resource kind of a resource. xs:string no
adapterKind Adapter kind of the resource. xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
resourceList The Collection of Resources (Collection of <ns3:resource> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourcesBootstrapStatuses (Collection of <ns3:resource-bootstrap-status> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
values (Collection of <ns3:resource-property-contents> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
relationshipType The relationship type of the resources. ns3:relationship-type yes
resourcesRelations Resources info combined with lists of query resource identifiers to which they are related. (Collection of <ns3:resource-relations> ) xs:collection no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no



Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceId Set of resource uuids. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection yes
type The resource selection type: propagate, unpropagate, or specific. ns3:resource-selection-type yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
groupBy ns3:groupBy no
sortOrder ns3:sort-order no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
roleName The role name. xs:string yes
allowAllObjects If true then ignore traversal specifications and allow all objects xs:boolean no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
traversal-spec-instances Collection of traversal specification instances (Collection of <ns3:traversal-spec-instance> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
permissions list of role permissions (Collection of <ns3:role-permission> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
SUM xs:string no
AVG xs:string no
MIN xs:string no
MAX xs:string no
NONE xs:string no
LATEST xs:string no
COUNT xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceKindKey ns3:resource-kind-key no
attributeRules (Collection of <ns3:attribute-condition> ) xs:collection no
resourceNameRules (Collection of <ns3:resource-name-condition> ) xs:collection no
relationshipRules (Collection of <ns3:relationship-condition> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
hour The beginning hour of the schedule. xs:int yes
minuteOfTheHour The beginning minutes of the schedule. xs:int yes
duration Duration of the schedule in minutes. xs:int yes
scheduleType Type of the schedule. NOTE: Currently schedule type 'YEARLY' is not supported. ns3:scheduleType yes
recurrence Configures how the schedule is repeated within the provided interval, e.g. if scheduleType = DAILY then setting recurrence = 2 would trigger the job every 2 days.
Applicable only when scheduleType = DAILY or scheduleType = WEEKLY.
xs:int no
dayOfTheMonth Deprecated, will be removed after couple of releases.
Day of the month on which the job should be triggered. Must be specified only when scheduleType = MONTHLY. Mutually exclusive with dasyOfTheMonth and weeksOfTheMonth.
xs:int no
daysOfTheMonth The list of the days of the month on which the job should be triggered. Applicable values are {1,2,...,31,LAST}. Must be specified only when scheduleType = MONTHLY. Mutually exclusive with dayOfTheMonth and weeksOfTheMonth. xs:string no
weeksOfTheMonth The list of the week indices of the month on which the job should be triggered. Must be specified only when scheduleType = MONTHLY. Mutually exclusive with dayOfTheMonth and daysOfTheMonth, should be specified together with daysOfTheWeek. ns3:weekOfMonth no
daysOfTheWeek Days of the week on which the job should be triggered. Must be specified only when scheduleType = WEEKLY or scheduleType = MONTHLY.
When scheduleType = MONTHLY this parameter is mutually exclusive with dayOfTheMonth and daysOfTheMonth, should be specified together with daysOfTheWeek.
ns3:weekDay no
month Deprecated, will be removed after couple of releases.
Month of the year on which the job should be triggered. Must be specified only when scheduleType = MONTHLY. Mutually exclusive with months.
xs:int no
months Months of the year on which the job should be triggered. Must be specified only when scheduleType = MONTHLY. Mutually exclusive with month. xs:int no
startDate Start date for the schedule. Should be in format MM/DD/YYYY and if not specified current date is used. xs:string no
expirationDate The expiration date of the schedule. Should be in format MM/DD/YYYY. Mutually exclusive with expireRuns and either of them should be always defined when scheduleType != ONCE. xs:string no
expireRuns The number of run after which the schedule should expire. Mutually exclusive with expirationDate and either of them should be always defined when scheduleType != ONCE. xs:int no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UNKNOWN xs:string no
ONCE xs:string no
DAILY xs:string no
WEEKLY xs:string no
MONTHLY xs:string no
YEARLY xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of the Service ns3:service-directory yes
health Health of the Service ns3:service-health yes
details An optional message field that provides details especially in case of errors xs:string no
uptime Uptime of the Service (Epoch time in milliseconds) xs:long no
startedOn When the Service was started (Epoch time in milliseconds) xs:long no
startedBy OS user that started the Service xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UI Product UI xs:string no
ADMINUI Admin UI xs:string no
CASA Cluster Management xs:string no
ANALYTICS Analytics xs:string no
COLLECTOR Collector xs:string no
EPOPS Endpoint Operations xs:string no
API REST API xs:string no
CASSANDRA Cassandra xs:string no
LOCATOR GemFire Locator xs:string no
UNKNOWN Unknown - serves as a means to ensure older clients can talk to newer servers xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UNKNOWN Health of the Service is not known or cannot be determined. xs:string no
INVALID Health of the Service is Invalid. Perhaps the Service is no longer deployed. xs:string no
OK Service is running and responsive. xs:string no
WARNING Service is running but not responsive. xs:string no
ERROR Service is not running and hence not responsive. xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
service List of Services along with their health status (Collection of <ns3:service> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier of the solution xs:string yes
name Name of the Solution xs:string no
version Version of the Solution xs:string no
description Description of the Solution xs:string no
vendor Vendor name of the Solution xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier of the license. xs:string yes
licenseKey The license key. xs:string yes
expirationDate The expiration date of the license. xs:long no
capacity The capacity of the license. xs:string no
usage Count of number of objects used. xs:string no
edition The license edition. ns3:licenseEdition yes
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
solutionLicenses List of licenses for a Solution (Collection of <ns3:solution-license> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
solution list of solutions (Collection of <ns3:solution> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
ASCENDING xs:string no
DESCENDING xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
statKey Stat Key for which the data is being posted xs:string yes
timestamps The array of timestamps at which the data is being posted xs:long yes
data The numeric data that is being posted (optional) xs:double no
values The string values that are being posted (optional) xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
stat-content (Collection of <ns3:stat-content> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
stat-key (Collection of <ns3:stat-key> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
stat (Collection of <ns3:stats> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
key name of the StatKey or Property to which the condition applies xs:string yes
operator comparison operator to use.
Default value is EXISTS, i.e. checks the existence of stat or property.
ns3:compare-operator no
stringValue string value to which we need to compare to xs:string no
doubleValue double value to which we need to compare to xs:double no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
conjunctionOperator indicates the conjunction of the filtering criteria ns3:composite-operator no
conditions array of condition to be used for filtering (Collection of <ns3:stat-or-property-condition> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
begin The beginning date as a long value of the range of stats to return
Value measures the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
xs:long no
currentOnly xs:boolean no
dt Indicates that the requested stats are based on some dynamic threshold. Defaults to false which indicates that stats are not based on dynamic threshold. xs:boolean no
end The ending date as a long value of the range of stats to return
Long value is number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
xs:long no
intervalQuantifier Number for the interval type xs:int no
intervalType Interval type requested by the user (e.g: Days, Weeks, Months etc.) ns3:intervalType no
latestMaxSamples the maximum number of samples to return when querying latest. When processing the get latest stats query if it is omitted a value of 1 is assumed.
A query for the latest samples is not compatible with specifying the RollUpType value.
xs:int no
metrics Indicates whether specified statKey-s of query should be forcibly treated as metrics xs:boolean no
resourceId Array of Resource ids to fetch the stats for xs:uuid no
rollUpType Rollup Type requested by the user (e.g.: AVG, MIN, MAX etc.) ns3:rollUpType no
statKey Array of stat keys to return the stats for xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
timestamps Time stamps at which data is available xs:long no
statKey Stat Key ns3:stat-key no
rollUpType Rollup Type ns3:rollUpType no
intervalUnit Interval Unit ns3:interval-unit no
data Numeric data xs:double no
values String data xs:string no
dtTimestamps Time stamps at which dt thresholds data is available xs:long no
minThresholdData xs:double no
maxThresholdData xs:double no
smoothValues xs:double no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
resourceId xs:uuid no
stats ns3:stat-list no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
values (Collection of <ns3:stats-of-resource> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
values (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
stringValue The string value for the condition xs:string no
settingValue The setting value xs:string no
targetKey A target StatKey to compare the values between two metrics. Required for metric or property threshold type conditions. xs:string no
key The StatKey for the condition xs:string yes
operator The operator for the condition ns3:compare-operator no
thresholdType The type of threshold comparison for right-hand side of the condition: static, metric or property. ns3:threshold-type yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id The unique ID of the SuperMetric. This will be null when creating a SuperMetric, but it is required when updating an existing SuperMetric. xs:uuid yes
name The name of the SuperMetric. xs:string yes
formula The formula expression of the SuperMetric. xs:string yes
description The description of the SuperMetric xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
superMetrics A Collection of SuperMetrics (Collection of <ns3:supermetric> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id The ID that identifies the Symptom xs:uuid no
resourceId The ID of the resource on which the Symptom was generated xs:uuid yes
startTimeUTC Start time of the symptom xs:long yes
updateTimeUTC Last updated time of the symptom xs:long yes
cancelTimeUTC Time when the symptom was canceled xs:long no
kpi True if the symptom is a KPI, false otherwise xs:boolean no
symptomDefinitionId The Symptom Definition describing the violated rule for this Symptom xs:string no
message The message associated with a symptom.
This is usually applicable for Event based Symptoms
xs:string no
extension Extension values that were added to the given object by third-party. ns3:extension no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
symptomCriticality The Criticality of the Symptom ns3:criticality yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id xs:string no
name The name of the SymptomDefinition xs:string yes
adapterKindKey The adapter kind identifier for the SymptomDefinition xs:string yes
resourceKindKey The resource kind identifier for the SymptomDefinition xs:string yes
waitCycles The number of consecutive cycles to wait when a symptom state is true before a symptom is triggered xs:int no
cancelCycles The number of consecutive cycles to wait when a symptom state is false before a symptom is cancelled xs:int no
state The symptom state associated with this symptom definition ns3:symptom-state no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
symptomDefinitions The collection of symptom definitions (Collection of <ns3:symptom-definition> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
compositeOperator Indicates the composition of the filtering criteria.
Either all of the filtering criteria apply together (AND operation) or any of the filtering criteria could be applied (OR operation) NOTE: OR is currently not supported.
ns3:composite-operator no
includeChildrenResources Whether to include Symptoms of all the children of resources identified by resourceIds xs:boolean no
activeOnly Include Symptoms that are currently Active.
By default, only active Symptoms are included in the result
xs:boolean no
startTimeRange Return Symptoms that have the specified start time ns3:time-range no
cancelTimeRange Return Symptoms that have the specified cancel time ns3:time-range no
resource-query Return alarms associated with resources matching query criteria ns3:resource-query no
statKey Return Symptoms that have been generated because of violations on the Stat Keys specified (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
alarmCriticality Return Symptoms that have the specified list of Symptom Criticalities (Collection of <ns3:criticality> ) xs:collection no
alarmType Return Symptoms that have the specified list of Symptom Types (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
symptomDefinitionId Return Symptoms that have the specified list of Symptom Definitions (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
symptomId Return Symptoms that have the specified list of Symptom identifiers (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
aggregation Specifies how the symptoms are aggregated ns3:composite-symptom-condition no
populationOperator The operator used in population rule ns3:compare-operator no
relation Specifies how the symptom object relates and applies to the alert object. ns3:relationship-type yes
symptomDefinitionIds Identifier of the to which this object refers. Identifier may be proceeded by a "!" to indicate that a particular symptom is not present (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
symptomSetOperator The operator used among the set of symptoms ns3:composite-operator no
traversalSpecType Specifies an optional traversal spec type by name xs:string no
value The value for the population xs:double no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
severity The severity of the SymptomState. Automatic is allowed only if the associated condition is a message event condition. ns3:criticality no
condition The condition that triggers this symptom state ns3:condition no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
symptom (Collection of <ns3:symptom> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
INITIATED The task was initiated xs:string no
STOPPED The task has not yet started xs:string no
RUNNING The task is executing xs:string no
FINISHED The task has successfully completed xs:string no
ERROR The task has ended in an error xs:string no
ABORTED The task was aborted xs:string no
UNKNOWN The task status is unknown xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
taskId The task identifier. xs:uuid no
description A description for the task xs:string no
statusMessage Optional status message xs:string no
taskState The state of the task ns3:task-state no
createdTime Time the the task status was created in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 xs:long no
lastUpdateTime Time the the task status was last updated in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 xs:long no
errorMessages List of error messages that occurred (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
taskStatusList (Collection of <ns3:task-status> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UNKNOWN Represents an unknown enumeration value xs:string no
STATIC Value of metric or property defined by a key is compared to a literal value.

Example of comparison: cpu|totalUsage > 80
xs:string no
STATKEY Value of metric or property defined by a key is compared to the value of another metric defined by a second key.

Example of comparison: mem|totalDemand > cpu|totalAvailable
xs:string no
PROPERTY Value of metric or property defined by a key is compared to the value of property defined by a second key.

Example of comparison: mem|totalDemand > config|summary|memory|total
xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
startTime xs:long no
endTime xs:long no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name The name of the traversal spec xs:string yes
description A description of the traversal spec xs:string no
rootAdapterKindKey The adapter kind of the root resource xs:string no
rootResourceKindKey The resource kind of the root resource. xs:string no
adapterInstanceAssociation When true the traversal spec templates applies to adapter kind associations. A traversal spec instance based on this template must specify the included adapter kinds it applies to. xs:boolean no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
adapterKind The root Adapter kind of the Traversal Specification. Together with resourceKind and name these values uniquely identify the traversal specification used by this instance. xs:string yes
resourceKind The root Resource kind of the Traversal Specification. Together with adapterKind and name these values uniquely identify a traversal specification used by this instance. xs:string no
name The name of the Traversal Specification. Together with adapterKind and resourceKind these values uniquely identify a traversal specification used by this instance. xs:string yes
selectAllResources When flag is true system will ignore resource selections and include all resources in the tree defined by the traversal specification templat. xs:boolean no
includedAdapterKinds The adapter kinds that apply to this traversal specification instance. Only applicable for traversal specification templates with a filter type of ADAPTER_ASSOCIATION. If this is present, then all adapter instances of this kind are selected as part of the hierarchy. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
resourceSelection List of root resource id selections (Collection of <ns3:resourceSelection> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
specs The list of traversal specification templates (Collection of <ns3:traversal-spec> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id Identifier of the user in the system. xs:uuid no
username Username of the current user. xs:string yes
firstName First name of the current user. xs:string no
lastName The last name of the current user. xs:string no
password Password of the user object. When creating a new local user, this field has to be specified. xs:string yes
emailAddress The email address of the current user xs:string no
distinguishedName distinguished name of the current user. xs:string no
enabled Is the current user's account enabled? xs:boolean no
groupIds The list of group ids to which the current user belongs to. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
roleNames (Deprecated) List of role names assigned to the user.

User Update
Grants the user each of the specified roles as a role permission with copies of the traversal specifications assigned to the user group with the ReadOnly role at the time of the update.

To prevent unexpected behavior if both roleNames and rolePermissions are not null only information in rolePermissions is used. In order to continue using roleNames please set rolePermissions to null. (Collection of </> )
xs:collection no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
role-permissions List of role permissions assigned to this user. May be null. Replaces and takes precedence over roleNames (Collection of <ns3:role-permission> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
id The identifier of this group.(unique) xs:uuid no
authSourceId identifier of the auth source. xs:uuid no
name The name of this group. xs:string yes
description A description about this group xs:string no
userIds The list of users who are members of this group. (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
roleNames (Deprecated) List of role names assigned to the user group. May be null.

User Group Update
Grants the user group each of the specified roles as a role permission with copies of the traversal specifications assigned to the user group with the ReadOnly role at the time of the update.

To prevent unexpected behavior if both roleNames and rolePermissions are not null only information in rolePermissions is used. In order to continue using roleNames please set rolePermissions to null. (Collection of </> )
xs:collection no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
role-permissions The list of role permissions assigned to this group. May be null. Replaces and takes precedence over roleNames (Collection of <ns3:role-permission> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
userGroups The collection of UserGroups (Collection of <ns3:user-group> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
users list of users (Collection of <ns3:user> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
description The description for the role. xs:string no
displayName A role name suitable for display. xs:string no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
privilege-keys The collection of privilege keys (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
system-created True if this role was created by the system xs:boolean no
name The name of the role. xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
userRoles The user role list. (Collection of <ns3:user-role> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name name of the user to be searched. can contain wildcards. xs:string yes
domain the auth source domain. mandatory for an sso auth source xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of the user xs:string yes
firstName First name of the user xs:string no
lastName Last name of the user xs:string no
distinguishedName Distinguished of the user xs:string no
emailAddress Email Address of the user xs:string no



Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name name of the user group to be searched. can contain wildcards. xs:string yes
domain the auth source domain. mandatory for an sso auth source xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of the user group xs:string yes
distinguishedName Distinguished name of the user group xs:string no
description Description of the user group xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
usergroup-search-response list of user groups (Collection of <ns3:usergroup-search-response> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
username The username. xs:string yes
authSource The auth source name. xs:string no
password The password. xs:string yes


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
uuids (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
failureMessage Information about the validation failure. xs:string no
violationPath XML/JSON path that points to the location of the invalid value/error. xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
NUMERIC xs:string no
STRING xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
releaseName Name of the release that published this version. xs:string yes
major Major version of the application. This field is bumped up when there is a complete change of all available API(s) in the system. API(s) in two different major versions are incompatible with each other. xs:int yes
minor Minor version of the application. This field is bumped up for releases that introduce new features, model object and end point enhancements. xs:int yes
minorMinor Minor minor version of the application. This field is bumped up for releases that are only bugfixes(no new features). xs:int yes
buildNumber Build number of the application. xs:int no
releasedDate When was an application server with this version released. xs:date yes
humanlyReadableReleaseDate application release date as a humanly readable string. xs:string yes
description Description about the release if any. xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
values List of values of ApplicationVersion (Collection of <ns3:version> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
name Name of the view xs:string no
description description of the view xs:string no
type Type of the view xs:string no
presentationType Presentation type of the view xs:string no
subjects Localized value of subject (Collection of </> ) xs:collection no
owner Owner of the view xs:string no
active Property identifying whether the view is active xs:boolean no
links Set of useful links related to the current object. (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
id Identifier of the view xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
pageInfo Page information for result list ns3:page-info no
links (Collection of <ns3:link> ) xs:collection no
viewDefinitions The Collection of views (Collection of <ns3:viewDefinition> ) xs:collection no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UNKNOWN xs:string no
SUNDAY xs:string no
MONDAY xs:string no
TUESDAY xs:string no
WEDNESDAY xs:string no
THURSDAY xs:string no
FRIDAY xs:string no
SATURDAY xs:string no


Properties description of important properties of this object

name description type required
UNKNOWNN xs:string no
FIRST xs:string no
SECOND xs:string no
THIRD xs:string no
FOURTH xs:string no
LAST xs:string no