Management Plane API > Networking > Logical Bridging > Bridge Endpoint Profiles

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List All Bridge Endpoint Profiles

Returns information about all configured bridge endoint profiles
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles

Create a Bridge Endpoint Profile

Creates a Bridge Endpoint Profile. Profile contains edge cluster id,
indexes of the member nodes, fialover mode and high availability mode
for a Bridge EndPoint
POST /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles

Delete a Bridge Endpoint Profile

Deletes the specified Bridge Endpoint Profile.
DELETE /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles/<bridgeendpointprofile-id>

Get Information about a bridge endpoint Profile

Returns information about a specified bridge endpoint profile.
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles/<bridgeendpointprofile-id>

Update a Bridge Endpoint Profile

Modifies a existing bridge endpoint profile.
PUT /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles/<bridgeendpointprofile-id>