content library item updatesession file: info

The info structure defines the uploaded file.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ns0:Info xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:xsi="">


Name Type Description
name string The name of the file.

source_type string The source type (NONE, PUSH, PULL) from which the file is being retrieved. This may be NONE if the file is not being changed.

Defines how the file content is retrieved. Value is one of:
NONE: No source type has been requested.
PUSH: The client is uploading content using HTTP(S) PUT requests.
PULL: The server is pulling content from a URL. The URL scheme can be http, https, file, or ds.

bytes_transferred long The number of bytes of this file that have been received by the server.

status string The transfer status (WAITING_FOR_TRANSFER, TRANSFERRING, READY, VALIDATING, ERROR) of this file.

Defines the transfer state of a file. Value is one of:
WAITING_FOR_TRANSFER: Indicates that a file has been defined for a library item and its content needs to be uploaded.
TRANSFERRING: Indicates that data is being transferred to the file.
READY: Indicates that the file has been fully transferred and is ready to be used.
VALIDATING: Indicates that the file is being validated (checksum, type adapters).
ERROR: Indicates that there was an error transferring or validating the file.

size long The file size, in bytes as received by the server. This field is guaranteed to be set when the server has completely received the file.

Optional. This field won't be set until the file status is READY.

checksum_info checksum_info The checksum information of the file received by the server.

Optional. If not specified the server does not verify the checksum.

source_endpoint transfer_endpoint A source endpoint from which to retrieve the file.

Optional. It is only relevant when source_type has value PULL. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of source_type is PULL.

upload_endpoint transfer_endpoint An upload endpoint to which the client can push the content.

Optional. It is only relevant when source_type has value PUSH. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of source_type is PUSH.

error_message localizable_message Details about the transfer error.

Optional. An error message is set if the status is ERROR.