vcenter VM: info

Document-based info.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ns0:Info xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <upgrade_error class="exception">


Name Type Description
guest_OS string Guest OS.

Defines the valid guest operating system types used for configuring a virtual machine. Value is one of:
WIN_31: Windows 3.1
WIN_95: Windows 95
WIN_98: Windows 98
WIN_ME: Windows Millennium Edition
WIN_NT: Windows NT 4
WIN_2000_PRO: Windows 2000 Professional
WIN_2000_SERV: Windows 2000 Server
WIN_2000_ADV_SERV: Windows 2000 Advanced Server
WIN_XP_HOME: Windows XP Home Edition
WIN_XP_PRO: Windows XP Professional
WIN_XP_PRO_64: Windows XP Professional Edition (64 bit)
WIN_NET_WEB: Windows Server 2003, Web Edition
WIN_NET_STANDARD: Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
WIN_NET_ENTERPRISE: Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
WIN_NET_DATACENTER: Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition
WIN_NET_BUSINESS: Windows Small Business Server 2003
WIN_NET_STANDARD_64: Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (64 bit)
WIN_NET_ENTERPRISE_64: Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
WIN_LONGHORN: Windows Longhorn (experimental)
WIN_LONGHORN_64: Windows Longhorn (64 bit) (experimental)
WIN_NET_DATACENTER_64: Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition (64 bit) (experimental)
WIN_VISTA: Windows Vista
WIN_VISTA_64: Windows Vista (64 bit)
WINDOWS_7: Windows 7
WINDOWS_7_64: Windows 7 (64 bit)
WINDOWS_7_SERVER_64: Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit)
WINDOWS_8: Windows 8
WINDOWS_8_64: Windows 8 (64 bit)
WINDOWS_8_SERVER_64: Windows 8 Server (64 bit)
WINDOWS_9: Windows 10
WINDOWS_9_64: Windows 10 (64 bit)
WINDOWS_9_SERVER_64: Windows 10 Server (64 bit)
FREEBSD_64: FreeBSD x64
REDHAT: Red Hat Linux 2.1
RHEL_2: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2
RHEL_3: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
RHEL_3_64: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (64 bit)
RHEL_4: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
RHEL_4_64: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (64 bit)
RHEL_5: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
RHEL_5_64: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64 bit) (experimental)
RHEL_6: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
RHEL_6_64: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64 bit)
RHEL_7: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
RHEL_7_64: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (64 bit)
CENTOS: CentOS 4/5
CENTOS_64: CentOS 4/5 (64-bit)
CENTOS_6: CentOS 6
CENTOS_6_64: CentOS 6 (64-bit)
CENTOS_7: CentOS 7
CENTOS_7_64: CentOS 7 (64-bit)
ORACLE_LINUX: Oracle Linux 4/5
ORACLE_LINUX_64: Oracle Linux 4/5 (64-bit)
ORACLE_LINUX_6: Oracle Linux 6
ORACLE_LINUX_6_64: Oracle Linux 6 (64-bit)
ORACLE_LINUX_7: Oracle Linux 7
ORACLE_LINUX_7_64: Oracle Linux 7 (64-bit)
SUSE: Suse Linux
SUSE_64: Suse Linux (64 bit)
SLES: Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9
SLES_64: Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9 (64 bit)
SLES_10: Suse linux Enterprise Server 10
SLES_10_64: Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 (64 bit) (experimental)
SLES_11: Suse linux Enterprise Server 11
SLES_11_64: Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11 (64 bit)
SLES_12: Suse linux Enterprise Server 12
SLES_12_64: Suse Linux Enterprise Server 12 (64 bit)
NLD_9: Novell Linux Desktop 9
OES: Open Enterprise Server
SJDS: Sun Java Desktop System
MANDRAKE: Mandrake Linux
MANDRIVA: Mandriva Linux
MANDRIVA_64: Mandriva Linux (64 bit)
TURBO_LINUX: Turbolinux
TURBO_LINUX_64: Turbolinux (64 bit)
UBUNTU: Ubuntu Linux
UBUNTU_64: Ubuntu Linux (64 bit)
DEBIAN_4: Debian GNU/Linux 4
DEBIAN_4_64: Debian GNU/Linux 4 (64 bit)
DEBIAN_5: Debian GNU/Linux 5
DEBIAN_5_64: Debian GNU/Linux 5 (64 bit)
DEBIAN_6: Debian GNU/Linux 6
DEBIAN_6_64: Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64 bit)
DEBIAN_7: Debian GNU/Linux 7
DEBIAN_7_64: Debian GNU/Linux 7 (64 bit)
DEBIAN_8: Debian GNU/Linux 8
DEBIAN_8_64: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (64 bit)
DEBIAN_9: Debian GNU/Linux 9
DEBIAN_9_64: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (64 bit)
DEBIAN_10: Debian GNU/Linux 10
DEBIAN_10_64: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (64 bit)
ASIANUX_3: Asianux Server 3
ASIANUX_3_64: Asianux Server 3 (64 bit)
ASIANUX_4: Asianux Server 4
ASIANUX_4_64: Asianux Server 4 (64 bit)
ASIANUX_5_64: Asianux Server 5 (64 bit)
ASIANUX_7_64: Asianux Server 7 (64 bit)
OPENSUSE_64: OpenSUSE Linux (64 bit)
FEDORA: Fedora Linux
FEDORA_64: Fedora Linux (64 bit)
COREOS_64: CoreOS Linux (64 bit)
VMWARE_PHOTON_64: VMware Photon (64 bit)
OTHER_24X_LINUX: Linux 2.4x Kernel
OTHER_24X_LINUX_64: Linux 2.4x Kernel (64 bit) (experimental)
OTHER_26X_LINUX: Linux 2.6x Kernel
OTHER_26X_LINUX_64: Linux 2.6x Kernel (64 bit) (experimental)
OTHER_3X_LINUX: Linux 3.x Kernel
OTHER_3X_LINUX_64: Linux 3.x Kernel (64 bit)
OTHER_LINUX: Linux 2.2x Kernel
OTHER_LINUX_64: Linux (64 bit) (experimental)
SOLARIS_6: Solaris 6
SOLARIS_7: Solaris 7
SOLARIS_8: Solaris 8
SOLARIS_9: Solaris 9
SOLARIS_10: Solaris 10 (32 bit) (experimental)
SOLARIS_10_64: Solaris 10 (64 bit) (experimental)
SOLARIS_11_64: Solaris 11 (64 bit)
OS2: OS/2
ECOMSTATION: eComStation 1.x
ECOMSTATION_2: eComStation 2.0
NETWARE_4: Novell NetWare 4
NETWARE_5: Novell NetWare 5.1
NETWARE_6: Novell NetWare 6.x
OPENSERVER_5: SCO OpenServer 5
OPENSERVER_6: SCO OpenServer 6
UNIXWARE_7: SCO UnixWare 7
DARWIN: Mac OS 10.5
DARWIN_64: Mac OS 10.5 (64 bit)
DARWIN_10: Mac OS 10.6
DARWIN_10_64: Mac OS 10.6 (64 bit)
DARWIN_11: Mac OS 10.7
DARWIN_11_64: Mac OS 10.7 (64 bit)
DARWIN_12_64: Mac OS 10.8 (64 bit)
DARWIN_13_64: Mac OS 10.9 (64 bit)
DARWIN_14_64: Mac OS 10.10 (64 bit)
DARWIN_15_64: Mac OS 10.11 (64 bit)
DARWIN_16_64: Mac OS 10.12 (64 bit)
VMKERNEL_65: VMware ESX 6.5
OTHER: Other Operating System
OTHER_64: Other Operating System (64 bit) (experimental)

name string Virtual machine name.

power_state string Power state of the virtual machine.

Defines the valid power states for a virtual machine. Value is one of:
POWERED_OFF: The virtual machine is powered off.
POWERED_ON: The virtual machine is powered on.
SUSPENDED: The virtual machine is suspended.

hardware info Virtual hardware version information.

boot info Boot configuration.

boot_devices entry[] Boot device configuration. If the array has no entries, a server-specific default boot sequence is used.

cpu info CPU configuration.

memory info Memory configuration.

disks list List of disks.

When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the key in the field key/value pairs must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Disk. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the key in the field key/value pairs will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Disk.List of {"key": string, "value": info}

nics list List of Ethernet adapters.

When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the key in the field key/value pairs must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Ethernet. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the key in the field key/value pairs will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Ethernet.List of {"key": string, "value": info}

cdroms list List of CD-ROMs.

When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the key in the field key/value pairs must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Cdrom. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the key in the field key/value pairs will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Cdrom.List of {"key": string, "value": info}

floppies list List of floppy drives.

When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the key in the field key/value pairs must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Floppy. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the key in the field key/value pairs will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Floppy.List of {"key": string, "value": info}

parallel_ports list List of parallel ports.

When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the key in the field key/value pairs must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ParallelPort. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the key in the field key/value pairs will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ParallelPort.List of {"key": string, "value": info}

serial_ports list List of serial ports.

When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the key in the field key/value pairs must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SerialPort. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the key in the field key/value pairs will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SerialPort.List of {"key": string, "value": info}

sata_adapters list List of SATA adapters.

When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the key in the field key/value pairs must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SataAdapter. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the key in the field key/value pairs will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SataAdapter.List of {"key": string, "value": info}

scsi_adapters list List of SCSI adapters.

When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the key in the field key/value pairs must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ScsiAdapter. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the key in the field key/value pairs will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ScsiAdapter.List of {"key": string, "value": info}