content: library model

The content.library_model structure represents a Content Library resource model.

A library_model is a container for a set of items which represent a usable set of files. The Content Library Service allows for multiple libraries to be created with separate authorization and sharing policies.

Each library_model is a container for a set of content.library.item_model instances. Each item is a logical object in a library, which may have multiple files.

A library_model may be local or subscribed. A local library has its source of truth about items within this Content Library Service. Items may be added to or removed from the library. A local library may also be private or published. When published, the library is exposed by a network endpoint and can be used by another Content Library Service for synchronization. A private local library cannot be used for synchronization.

A subscribed library is a library which gets its source of truth from another library that may be across a network in another Content Library Service. A subscribed library may have a different name and metadata from the library to which it subscribes, but the set of library items is always the same as those in the source library. Library items cannot be manually added to a subscribed library -- they can only be added by adding new items to the source library.


        "password""secret string",
        "password""secret string",
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ns0:LibraryModel xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <password>secret string</password>
    <password>secret string</password>


Name Type Description
id string An identifier which uniquely identifies this library_model.

Optional. This field is not used for the create operation. It will not be present in the result of the get or list operations. It is not used for the update operation.When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the field must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.content.Library. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the field will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.content.Library.

creation_time date_time The date and time when this library was created.

Optional. This field is not used for the create operation. It will always be present in the result of the get or list operations. It is not used for the update operation.

description string A human-readable description for this library.

Optional. This field is optional for the create operation. Leaving it unset during creation will result in an empty string value. It will always be present in the result of a get or list operation. It is optional for the update operation. Leaving it unset during update indicates that the description should be left unchanged.

last_modified_time date_time The date and time when this library was last updated.

This field is updated automatically when the library properties are changed. This field is not affected by adding, removing, or modifying a library item or its content within the library. Tagging the library or syncing the subscribed library does not alter this field.

Optional. This field is not used for the create operation. It will always be present in the result of the get or list operations. It is not used for the update operation.

last_sync_time date_time The date and time when this library was last synchronized.

This field applies only to subscribed libraries. It is updated every time a synchronization is triggered on the library. The value is unset for a local library.

Optional. This field is not used for the create operation. It is optional in the result of the get or list operations. It is not used for the update operation.

name string The name of the library.

A Library is identified by a human-readable name. Library names cannot be undefined or an empty string. Names do not have to be unique.

Optional. This field must be provided for the create operation. It will always be present in the result of the get or list operations. It is optional for the update operation.

storage_backings storage_backing[] The list of storage backings which are available for this library.

A content.library.storage_backing defines a storage location which can be used to store files for the library items in this library. Multiple storage locations are not currently supported but may become supported in future releases.

Optional. This field must be provided for the create operation. It will always be present in the result of the get or list operations. It is not used for the update operation.

type string The type (LOCAL, SUBSCRIBED) of this library.

This value can be used to determine what additional services and information can be available for this library.

Defines the type of a content.library_model.

The type of a library can be used to determine which additional services can be performed with a library.

Value is one of:
LOCAL: The library contents are defined and stored by the local Content Library Service installation.

A local library can be retrieved and managed via the content.local_library.

SUBSCRIBED: The library synchronizes its items and content from another published library.

A subscribed library can be retrieved and managed via the content.subscribed_library.

Optional. This field must be provided for the create operation. It will always be present in the result of the get or list operations. It is not used for the update operation.
optimization_info optimization_info Defines various optimizations and optimization parameters applied to this library.

Optional. This field is optional for the create operation. It is optional in the result of the get or list operations. It is optional for the update operation.

version string A version number which is updated on metadata changes. This value allows clients to detect concurrent updates and prevent accidental clobbering of data.

This value represents a number which is incremented every time library properties, such as name or description, are changed. It is not incremented by changes to a library item within the library, including adding or removing items. It is also not affected by tagging the library.

Optional. This field is not used for the create operation. It will always be present in the result of a get or list operation. It is optional for the update operation. Leaving it unset during update indicates that you do not need to detect concurrent updates.

publish_info publish_info Defines how this library is published so that it can be subscribed to by a remote subscribed library.

The content.library.publish_info defines where and how the metadata for this local library is accessible. A local library is only published publically if content.library.publish_info.published is true.

Optional. This field is optional for the create and update operations. If not specified during creation, the default is for the library to not be published. If not specified during update, the field is left unchanged.

subscription_info subscription_info Defines the subscription behavior for this Library.

The content.library.subscription_info defines how this subscribed library synchronizes to a remote source. Setting the value will determine the remote source to which the library synchronizes, and how. Changing the subscription will result in synchronizing to a new source. If the new source differs from the old one, the old library items and data will be lost. Setting content.library.subscription_info.automatic_sync_enabled to false will halt subscription but will not remove existing cached data.

Optional. This field is optional for the create and update operations. If not specified during creation, a default will be created without an active subscription. If not specified during update, the field is left unchanged.

server_guid string The unique identifier of the vCenter server where the library exists.

Optional. This field is optional for the create operation. It will always be present in the result of the get or list operations. It is not used for the update operation.When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the field must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.VCenter. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the field will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.VCenter.