REST API - check-task

esx settings clusters enablement software: check-task

Checks the possibility to manage the cluster with a single software specification.


HTTP request

POST https://{server}/api/esx/settings/clusters/{cluster}/enablement/software


Path Parameters

Name Type Description
cluster string Identifier of the cluster.

Body Parameters:

Name Type Description
bold = required
- check_spec Optional. Check specification.
-.checks_to_skip string[] Specifies the checks that should be skipped. If the set is empty, all checks will be performed.


HTTP Status Code: 202

Response Body Structure:





Name Type Description
bold = required
- string The result of the check operation.


HTTP Status Code Type Description
500 error If there is some unknown error. The accompanying error message will give more details about the failure.
400 not_allowed_in_current_state If the feature is already enabled for the given cluster.
404 not_found If there is no cluster associated with cluster in the system.
503 service_unavailable If the service is not available.
401 unauthenticated If the caller is not authenticated.