REST API - delete

vcenter cluster: delete

Delete an empty cluster from the vCenter Server. Warning: This operation is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.


HTTP request

DELETE https://{server}/rest/vcenter/cluster/{cluster}

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
cluster string Identifier of the cluster to be deleted.


HTTP Status Code: 200



HTTP Status Code Type Description
500 error For all vimfaults thrown by VMOMI but yet to be figured out. TODO Replace this with specific errors.
404 not_found if there is no cluster associated with cluster in the system.
400 resource_in_use if the cluster associated with cluster is not empty.
401 unauthenticated if the session id is missing from the request or the corresponding session object cannot be found.
403 unauthorized if the user doesn't not have the required privileges.