REST API - upgrade

vcenter namespace management software clusters: upgrade

Upgrade the cluster to a specific version. This operation upgrades the components on control plane VMs and worker plane hosts based on the selected version. Before upgrading, this operation performs pre-checks and sets the evaluation response in Info.UpgradeStatus.messages with various Message.Severity levels. Depending on the severity, the upgrade may or may not proceed beyond prechecks. Here is a list of severities and corresponding behavior: - ERROR: Upgrade does not proceed beyond precheck operation - WARNING: Upgrade proceeds beyond precheck operation only if UpgradeSpec.ignorePrecheckWarnings is set to true - INFO: Upgrade proceeds beyond precheck operation uninterrupted


HTTP request

POST https://{server}/api/vcenter/namespace-management/software/clusters/{cluster}


Path Parameters

Name Type Description
cluster string Identifier for the cluster which will be upgraded.

Body Parameters:

Name Type Description
bold = required
- upgrade_spec Specification for upgrading the cluster.
-.desired_version string Version number the cluster is going to be upgraded to.

-.ignore_precheck_warnings boolean If true, the upgrade workflow will ignore any pre-check warnings and proceed with the upgrade.

Optional. If unset, the upgrade workflow will not ignore pre-check warnings and fail the upgrade. It is equivalent to setting the value to false. The workflow adopts a conservative approach of failing the upgrade if unset to solely let the user decide whether to force the upgrade despite the warnings.


HTTP Status Code: 204






HTTP Status Code Type Description
500 error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
400 unsupported if pre-check failed of the cluster.
404 not_found if cluster could not be located.
401 unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
403 unauthorized if the user does not have Namespaces.Manage privilege.