esx attestation report: tpm2 request

The tpm2_request structure contains information used to specify an attestation report request using the TPM 2.0 protocol.




Name Type Description
identity tpm2_identity The remote TPM identity.

contexts binary[] A set of contexts that will be processed by the server.

types string[] The types of document being requested.

identity.ek_cert string TPM 2.0 endorsement key (EK) certificate

When an endorsement key certificate is available, all attestation requests should begin by sending it as the remote host's identity. The server will validate the certificate against a configured set of trusted TPM certificate authorities (CAs).

Optional. If unset, must be specified.

identity.ek_pub string TPM 2.0 public endorsement key (EK)

When an endorsement key certificate is not available, an attestation request may be made using the public part of the endorsement key instead. This identification method will only work if the server is configured to accept unsigned EKs, and the public key has been added to the trusted set.

Not required when is specified.

Optional. If unset, must be specified.