vcenter lcm: embedded replicated vcsa

Configuration of the replicated Single Sign-On for Embedded type deployment. Warning: This structure is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.


    "sso_admin_password""secret string",


Name Type Description
sso_admin_password secret Administrator password of the existing Single Sign-On to be replicated. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

sso_domain_name string Domain name for the remote appliance which is being replicated. For example, 'vsphere.local'. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

partner_hostname string The IP address or DNS resolvable name for the remote appliance. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

ssl_verify boolean A flag to indicate whether the ssl verification is required. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

Optional. If ssl_thumbprint is provided, this field can be omitted If unset, defaults to True.

ssl_thumbprint string SHA1 thumbprint of the server SSL certificate which will be used for verification. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

Optional. If sslVerify is set to False, this field can be omitted.

https_port long The HTTPS port of the external PSC appliance. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

Optional. If unset, defaults to 443.