vcenter identity providers: oidc summary

The oidc_summary structure contains commonly used information about an OIDC identity provider. OIDC is a discovery protocol for OAuth2 configuration metadata, so oidc_summary contains discovered OAuth2 metadata. This structure was added in vSphere API




Name Type Description
-.auth_endpoint URI Authentication/authorization endpoint of the provider. This attribute was added in vSphere API

-.token_endpoint URI Token endpoint of the provider. This attribute was added in vSphere API

-.client_id string Client identifier to connect to the provider. This attribute was added in vSphere API

-.authentication_header string The authentication data used as part of request header to acquire or refresh an OAuth2 token. The data format depends on the authentication method used. Example of basic authentication format: Authorization: Basic [base64Encode(clientId + ":" + secret)]. This attribute was added in vSphere API

-.auth_query_params object

key/value pairs that are to be appended to the authEndpoint request.

How to append to authEndpoint request:

If the map is not empty, a "?" is added to the endpoint URL, and combination of each k and each string in the v is added with an "&" delimiter. Details:
  • If the value contains only one string, then the key is added with "k=v".
  • If the value is an empty list, then the key is added without a "=v".
  • If the value contains multiple strings, then the key is repeated in the query-string for each string in the value.
. This attribute was added in vSphere API

Object with element values of type string[].

-.auth_query_params.* string[]
-.discovery_endpoint URI Endpoint to retrieve the provider metadata. This attribute was added in vSphere API

Optional. This field is optional because it was added in a newer version than its parent node.

-.logout_endpoint URI The endpoint to use for terminating the user's session at the identity provider. This value is automatically derived from the metadata information provided by the OIDC discovery endpoint. This attribute was added in vSphere API

Optional. This field is optional because it was added in a newer version than its parent node.