vcenter ovf: datastore target

The datastore_target structure contains information about a datastore or datastore cluster in the target deployment environment.

See Import#tryDeploy, Import#deploy, deploy, and filter.




Name Type Description
id string The identifier of the datastore or datastore cluster.

Optional. This field is not used in the input parameters when deploying an OVF package. This field will always be present in the result when retrieving information about an OVF package.When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the field must be an identifier for the resource type: Datastore. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the field will be an identifier for the resource type: Datastore.

name string The name of the datastore or datastore cluster.

Optional. This field is not used in the input parameters when deploying an OVF package. This field will always be present in the result when retrieving information about an OVF package.

accessible boolean Whether the datastore is accessible.

If it is inaccessible, vcenter.ovf.datastore_target.inaccessible_reasons will indicate why.

A storage pod will be accessible if at least one of its datastores is accessible.

Optional. This field is not used in the input parameters when deploying an OVF package. This field will always be present in the result when retrieving information about an OVF package.

inaccessible_reasons string[] If the datastore is inaccessible, this will describe why.

For an inaccessible storage pod, the union of the reasons for its datastores is included.

If the datastore is accessible, this will be empty.

Optional. This field is not used in the input parameters when deploying an OVF package. This field will always be present in the result when retrieving information about an OVF package.

storage_profiles string[] The identifiers of the storage profiles this datastore or datastore cluster is part of.

Optional. This field is not used in the input parameters when deploying an OVF package. This field will always be present in the result when retrieving information about an OVF package.When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the field must contain identifiers for the resource type: StorageProfile. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the field will contain identifiers for the resource type: StorageProfile.