vstats endpoints: create spec

The create_spec structure contains information to create a new endpoint configuration in vStats. Warning: This structure is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.


            "password""secret string",
        "token""secret string"


Name Type Description
uri string Designates the uniform resource identifier of an endpoint. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

name string Designates the endpoint name to identify an endpoint. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

auth_data.basic.username string Username to get access to endpoint. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

auth_data.basic.password secret Password to get access to endpoint. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

push_data_format string Designates the type of data format supported for stats data at endpoint. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

port string Designates the port of an endpoint. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

Optional. If unset, no port will be provided.

auth_data auth_spec Designates the authentication details of an endpoint. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

Optional. If unset means no authentication is needed for the endpoint.

auth_data.basic basic_auth Basic authentication details of the endpoint. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

Optional. When unset the token field will be used.

auth_data.token secret Token based authentication information of the endpoint. Warning: This attribute is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented.

Optional. When unset the basic field will be used.