appliance networking dns hostname: test

Test the Fully Qualified Domain Name.


HTTP request

POST https://{server}/rest/appliance/networking/dns/hostname/test

Request Body Structure:


Request Body Parameters:

Name Type Description
bold = required
name string FQDN.


HTTP Status Code: 200



Response Type:

Name Type Description
bold = required
value test_status_info FQDN status.
value.status string Overall status of tests run.

Health indicator Value is one of:
orange: In case data has more than one test, this indicates not all tests were successful
green: All tests were successful for given data
red: All tests failed for given data

value.messages message[] messages

value.messages[].message string message

value.messages[].result string result of the test

Individual test result Value is one of:
failure: message indicates the test failed.
success: message indicates that the test was successful.


HTTP Status Code Type Description
500 error Generic error