appliance recovery backup job: create

Initiate backup.


HTTP request

POST https://{server}/rest/appliance/recovery/backup/job

Request Body Structure:

        "backup_password""secret string",
        "location_password""secret string",

Request Body Parameters:

Name Type Description
bold = required
piece backup_request BackupRequest Structure. string[] List of optional parts that will be included in the backup. Use the list operation to get information about the supported parts.

piece.backup_password secret Password for a backup piece. The backupPassword must adhere to the following password requirements: At least 8 characters, cannot be more than 20 characters in length. At least 1 uppercase letter. At least 1 lowercase letter. At least 1 numeric digit. At least 1 special character (i.e. any character not in [0-9,a-z,A-Z]). Only visible ASCII characters (for example, no space).

Optional. backupPassword If no password then the piece will not be encrypted.

piece.location_type string Type of backup location.

Defines the type of destination location for backup/restore. You specify the location type when you create a backup job. See appliance.recovery.backup.job.backup_request. Value is one of:
FTP: Destination is FTP server.
HTTP: Destination is HTTP server.
FTPS: Destination is FTPS server.
HTTPS: Destination is HTTPS server.
SCP: Destination is SSH server.

piece.location string Path or URL of the backup location.

piece.location_user string Username for the given location.

Optional. If unset authentication will not be used for the specified location.

piece.location_password secret Password for the given location.

Optional. If unset authentication will not be used for the specified location.

piece.comment string Custom comment provided by the user.

Optional. If unset comment will be empty.


HTTP Status Code: 200



Response Type:

Name Type Description
bold = required
value backup_job_status BackupJobStatus Structure. string TimeStamp based ID.

value.state string The state of the backup job.

Defines the possible states of a backup/restore process. Value is one of:
FAILED: Backup/Restore job failed.
INPROGRESS: Backup/Restore job is in progress.
NONE: Backup/Restore job is not started.
SUCCEEDED: Backup/Restore job completed successfully.

value.messages localizable_message[] List of messages.

value.messages[].id string Id in message bundle.

value.messages[].default_message string Text in english.

value.messages[].args string[] Nested data.

value.progress long Progress of the job in percentage.

value.start_time date_time Time when the backup was started.

value.end_time date_time Time when the backup was finished.

Optional. If unset end time is None until backup is finished.


HTTP Status Code Type Description
400 feature_in_use A backup or restore is already in progress.
500 error if any error occurs during the execution of the operation.