content subscribed library: evict

Evicts the cached content of an on-demand subscribed library.

This operation allows the cached content of a subscribed library to be removed to free up storage capacity. This operation will only work when a subscribed library is synchronized on-demand.


HTTP request

POST https://{server}/rest/com/vmware/content/subscribed-library/id:{library_id}?~action=evict

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
library_id string Identifier of the subscribed library whose content should be evicted.


HTTP Status Code: 200



HTTP Status Code Type Description
404 not_found if the library specified by library_id does not exist.
400 invalid_element_type if the library specified by library_id is not a subscribed library.
400 not_allowed_in_current_state if the library specified by library_id does not synchronize on-demand, or if the content of the library specified by library_id has been deleted from the storage backings (see content.library_model.storage_backings) associated with it.

For instance, this {@term error) is reported on evicting an on-demand subscribed library that was restored from backup, and the library was deleted after the backup was taken, thus resulting in its content being deleted from the associated storage backings. In this scenario, the metadata of the library is present on a restore, while its content has been deleted.