vcenter vm guest power: reboot

Issues a request to the guest operating system asking it to perform a reboot. This request returns immediately and does not wait for the guest operating system to complete the operation. This operation was added in vSphere API 6.7


HTTP request

POST https://{server}/rest/vcenter/vm/{vm}/guest/power?action=reboot

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
vm string Identifier of the virtual machine.


HTTP Status Code: 200



HTTP Status Code Type Description
500 error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
404 not_found if the virtual machine is not found.
400 not_allowed_in_current_state if the virtual machine is not powered on.
503 service_unavailable if VMware Tools is not running.
400 resource_busy if the virtual machine is performing another operation.
400 unsupported if the virtual machine does not support being powered on (e.g. marked as a template, serving as a fault-tolerance secondary virtual machine).