appliance vmon service: list details

Lists details of services managed by vMon.


HTTP request

GET https://{server}/rest/appliance/vmon/service
No request parameters


HTTP Status Code: 200



Response Type:

Name Type Description
bold = required
value list Map of service identifiers to service Info structures.List of {"key": string, "value": info}
value[].key string
value[].value info
value[].value.name_key string Service name key. Can be used to lookup resource bundle

value[].value.description_key string Service description key. Can be used to lookup resource bundle

value[].value.startup_type string Startup Type.

Defines valid Startup Type for services managed by vMon. Value is one of:
MANUAL: Service Startup type is Manual, thus issuing an explicit start on the service will start it.
AUTOMATIC: Service Startup type is Automatic, thus during starting all services or issuing explicit start on the service will start it.
DISABLED: Service Startup type is Disabled, thus it will not start unless the startup type changes to manual or automatic.

value[].value.state string Running State.

Defines valid Run State for services. Value is one of:
STARTING: Service Run State is Starting, it is still not functional
STOPPING: Service Run State is Stopping, it is not functional
STARTED: Service Run State is Started, it is fully functional
STOPPED: Service Run State is Stopped

value[] string Health of service.

Defines the possible values for health of a service. Value is one of:
DEGRADED: Service is in degraded state, it is not functional.
HEALTHY: Service is in a healthy state and is fully functional.
HEALTHY_WITH_WARNINGS: Service is healthy with warnings.Optional. It is only relevant when state has value STARTED. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of state is STARTED.

value[].value.health_messages localizable_message[] Localizable messages associated with the health of the service

Optional. It is only relevant when state has value STARTED. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of state is STARTED.

value[].value.health_messages[].id string Unique identifier of the localizable string or message template.

This identifier is typically used to retrieve a locale-specific string or message template from a message catalog.

value[].value.health_messages[].default_message string The value of this localizable string or message template in the en_US (English) locale. If refers to a message template, the default message will contain the substituted arguments. This value can be used by clients that do not need to display strings and messages in the native language of the user. It could also be used as a fallback if a client is unable to access the appropriate message catalog.

value[].value.health_messages[].args string[] Arguments to be substituted into a message template.


HTTP Status Code Type Description
500 error if any error occurs during the execution of the operation.