appliance update policy: get

Gets the automatic update checking and staging policy.


HTTP request

GET https://{server}/rest/appliance/update/policy
No request parameters


HTTP Status Code: 200



Response Type:

Name Type Description
bold = required
value info Structure containing the policy for the appliance update.
value.custom_URL string Current appliance update custom repository URL.

Optional. If unset update is checked at defaut URL.

value.default_URL string Current appliance update default repository URL.

value.username string Username for the update repository

Optional. If unset username will not be used to login.

value.check_schedule time[] Schedule when the automatic check will be run.

value.check_schedule[].day string weekday to check for updates.

Defines the set of days Value is one of:
MONDAY: Monday
TUESDAY: Tuesday
WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
THURSDAY: Thursday
FRIDAY: Friday
SATURDAY: Saturday
SUNDAY: Sunday

value.check_schedule[].hour long Hour: 0-24

value.check_schedule[].minute long Minute: 0-59

value.auto_stage boolean Automatically stage the latest update if available.

value.auto_update boolean Is the appliance updated automatically. If set the appliance may ignore the check schedule or auto-stage settings.

value.manual_control boolean Whether API client should allow the user to start update manually


HTTP Status Code Type Description
500 error Generic error
401 unauthenticated session is not authenticated
403 unauthorized session is not authorized to perform this operation